Beginner’s Tutorial: Creating a Python Dashboard using Tkinter and Matplotlib

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Python Dashboard with Tkinter and Matplotlib tutorial [for beginners]

Python Dashboard with Tkinter and Matplotlib tutorial [for beginners]

If you are new to Python and want to create a dashboard with Tkinter and Matplotlib, you are in the right place. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of creating a simple dashboard using these two libraries.

Getting Started

First, you need to have Python installed on your computer. You can download it from the official website and follow the installation instructions.

Using Tkinter for GUI

Tkinter is a standard GUI toolkit for Python. It is included with most Python installations, so you don’t need to install anything extra. With Tkinter, you can create windows, buttons, labels, and other GUI components for your dashboard.

Example code for a simple Tkinter window:

    import tkinter as tk

    # Create the main window
    window = tk.Tk()
    window.title("Simple Dashboard")

    # Add a label
    label = tk.Label(window, text="Hello, World!")

    # Run the application

Using Matplotlib for Data Visualization

Matplotlib is a popular plotting library for Python. It allows you to create various types of visualizations, such as bar charts, line plots, scatter plots, and more. You can use Matplotlib to display data on your dashboard and make it more interactive and informative.

Example code for a simple Matplotlib bar chart:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Data
    x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    y = [10, 20, 15, 25, 30]

    # Create a bar chart, y)
    plt.title('Simple Bar Chart')

Putting it all together

Now that you have a basic understanding of Tkinter and Matplotlib, you can combine them to create a simple dashboard. You can create a Tkinter window and add Matplotlib visualizations to it to display data in a more user-friendly way.

Example code for a simple dashboard with Tkinter and Matplotlib:

    import tkinter as tk
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg

    # Create the main window
    window = tk.Tk()

    # Add a Matplotlib plot
    fig = Figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111), y)
    ax.set_title('Simple Bar Chart')
    canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=window)

    # Run the application

With this example code, you can create a simple dashboard with a bar chart using Tkinter and Matplotlib. You can further customize and add more visualizations to make the dashboard more powerful and informative.

Now that you have learned the basics, you can explore more advanced features and create more complex dashboards with Tkinter and Matplotlib. Have fun exploring and creating your own Python dashboards!

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6 months ago

thank you for this tutorial, it is so helpful for me ,but I have a quation : how do I modify the code if I wana plot time vs temperature, data of my mysql database (list not dictionary), unfortunatly I plot only one point wich is the last line of the data (list) , the table containes 20 lines (time, temperature)

6 months ago

Terima Kasih, Tutorial anda sangat membantu …

6 months ago

you are a life saver 😂😂😂😂

6 months ago

Very useful tutorial

6 months ago

hi there, first great video and i like it, but can you help me how i can make a pivot table or groupby table and print out in world document, i try but my pivot table get me first 5 rows and then print … … … … and after print last 5 rows and print 100 rows and 10 columns so i'am tired can you help me please?, and thank you for all,

6 months ago

0:50 So first I was like, how is this even possible for tkinter to look this good, maybe a well used canvas widget? then I see matplotlib and then I figure somehow they may be combined together? Let's see.

6 months ago

Helped a lot. Thanks.

6 months ago

Thank you very much, this is really great. I was looking for an example like this. Also, your english is completely understandable.

6 months ago

The data entry form requires its own loop() to display. The dashboard showing visualisations requires a separate loop() to display How do I fit both loop() in the same code?

6 months ago

Great video. Here is what I want to do. I first want to write a code that gives me a GUI in which to enter data. I want to then enter data in the interface and then run a code to process the data and have the visualizations on the dashboard. I have created the GUI, and run the code for the visualizations, but I don't see the dashboard. How can I solve this challenge?

6 months ago

Did I miss something here? Because when I tried to fit three canvas in the upper/lower frame, it only display two of them and the third one is always out of range in my laptop screen.

6 months ago

How can show 12 Month sale in bar or pie chart from SQLite please make video on this

6 months ago

Please one video on sales dashboard and sales data load from SQLite or MySQL and when filter data by month year or between two dates then all charts dynamic change please

6 months ago

I don't think I've seen Tk look like this before? I'm impressed.

6 months ago

why not using the customtkinter?

6 months ago

Супер! Спасибо за урок!

6 months ago

Awesome, plz where I can start from python beginning in your series?