
Beginner’s Tutorial for Angular Pipe Framework

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5. Pipe in Angular | Framework | Tutorial | Beginner

5. Pipe in Angular | Framework | Tutorial | Beginner

When working with Angular, understanding pipes is crucial for building dynamic and interactive web applications. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of using pipes in Angular for beginners.

What is a Pipe in Angular?

A pipe in Angular is a feature that allows you to transform data before displaying it in the view. Pipes are used to format and manipulate data in a user-friendly way, making it easier for users to understand and interact with the application.

Types of Pipes

There are several built-in pipes in Angular that can be used to format data, including:

  • DatePipe: Used to format date values
  • CurrencyPipe: Used to format currency values
  • UpperCasePipe: Used to transform text to uppercase
  • LowerCasePipe: Used to transform text to lowercase
  • And many more…

How to Use Pipes

Using pipes in Angular is simple. You can apply a pipe to a value in the view using the pipe symbol (|) followed by the name of the pipe. For example:

        {{ someValue | date }}
        {{ someValue | currency }}
        {{ someText | uppercase }}

Creating Custom Pipes

In addition to the built-in pipes, you can also create custom pipes in Angular to meet specific formatting needs. Custom pipes can be created using the @Pipe decorator and implementing the PipeTransform interface. This allows for even more flexibility in manipulating and formatting data in your application.


Pipes are a powerful feature in Angular that allow for the manipulation and formatting of data in the view. By understanding and utilizing pipes, you can create a more dynamic and user-friendly experience for your application. This tutorial provides a beginner-friendly introduction to using pipes in Angular, and we encourage you to continue exploring and experimenting with pipes to see the full potential of this feature in your Angular projects.