
Beginner’s Tutorial: TypeScript for React/Next.js Developers

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HTML tags are an essential part of building web applications. They help structure and define the content that is displayed on a webpage. In this tutorial, we will explore how TypeScript can be used with React/Next.js to enhance your development process.

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language. It allows developers to catch errors early during development by providing a way to define types for variables, function parameters, and return values. This can help catch many common mistakes and improve code quality.

If you are already familiar with React and Next.js, adding TypeScript to your workflow can be a great way to enhance your development process. TypeScript provides better IDE support, improved code navigation, and enhanced readability.

To get started, you will need to set up a new React/Next.js project. You can do this by running the following commands in your terminal:

npx create-next-app my-app
cd my-app

Next, we need to install the necessary dependencies. Run the following command to install TypeScript:

npm install –save-dev typescript @types/react @types/node

Once the installation is complete, you can rename any JavaScript files to TypeScript files by changing the file extension from `.js` to `.tsx`. For example, if you have a file called `index.js`, rename it to `index.tsx`.

Now, let’s create a simple React component with TypeScript. Open the `index.tsx` file and replace the existing code with the following:

import React from ‘react’;

interface GreetingProps {
name: string;

const Greeting: React.FC = ({ name }) => {

Hello, {name}!


export default function Home() {
return (


Here, we have defined a `Greeting` component that accepts a `name` prop of type string. The `Greeting` component is then used inside the `Home` component.

By explicitly defining the types for the props, we get better code completion and error checking. For example, if we try to pass a number instead of a string as the `name` prop, TypeScript will throw an error.

To see TypeScript in action, run `npm run dev` in your terminal to start the Next.js development server. Open your browser and navigate to `http://localhost:3000`. You should see the text “Hello, John!” displayed on the page.

In addition to defining types for props, TypeScript can also be used to define the types for functions, state variables, and more. This can help catch potential bugs and provide better code documentation.

Overall, using TypeScript with React/Next.js can greatly improve your development experience. It provides better type safety, improved code navigation, and enhanced readability. By catching errors early during development, you can save time, improve code quality, and deliver more robust applications.

In this tutorial, we covered the basics of setting up TypeScript with React/Next.js and explored how to define types for props in a React component. As you continue your TypeScript journey, you will discover more opportunities to leverage its power and enhance your development process. Happy coding!

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Muhammad Mursalin
8 months ago

Excellent explained typescript and its use in react.🥰

Lukáš Macků
8 months ago

OMG!!! Lama Dev, thank you so much 😊 I was looking for this tutorial for my whole web dev learning and now finally I founded this video! This is a really good tutorial and I am sharing it! 😎😎😎 Don't stop making these awesome videos ! 🙂

Adrian Edu
8 months ago

Thank you so much for sharing this! It was just what I needed!

8 months ago

Please come with any famous website like uber or other with nextjs , typescript❤❤

Ariful Haque
8 months ago

Sir you are amazing
love from Bangladesh

FokusPokus Music
8 months ago

awesome tutor, thank you so much

Chinmay Ghule
8 months ago

Excellent video. However you should've included how we're going to compile that typescript into javascript in a react project.

8 months ago

Thank you!

MRINAL Fouzdar
8 months ago

Please build a web app, using microservice architecture..
1. Sending sms, email, after order or doing some action
2. Sending sms email on a certain time period
3: intreget payment method
4: create invoice with the help of node and user can view that on Fe
5: image upload
Please use tech stack: react, next, typescript ,node, postgresql, AWS

I will be waiting for your video 😊❤

Donald Gatan
8 months ago

Thanks for the tutorial 😊

Psyfer Inc.
8 months ago

thank you

Tomas Burian
8 months ago

So great you're making this video, because in the professional world, we use TS everywhere and it's an important tool of the trade.
And the cool thing is that this was really just the beginning, there is so much more and once you start talking about stuff like tuples or enums, that's where the fun begins 🙂

8 months ago

I want to see a sveltekit project

Александра May
8 months ago

I would love a tailwind crash course!! These videos are amazing and they're the only ones I can actually sit down and watch for 3 hours without getting bored. I learn more in this than in a week of school 👌

8 months ago

super nice video

Ravindra Singh
8 months ago

create typescript react project plz.

Romeo Enso
8 months ago

This is very useful. Thank you very much for this tutorial.

Satyam Wakchaure
8 months ago

Two days ago I decided to switch my project's whole codebase from javascript to typescript, and I was struggling using it but eventually I found this masterpiece as a video which helped me all the way through. I appreciate it very much.🤗

crishantha costa
8 months ago

great work. your lessons are very clear and to the point.

Real Home Business Training
8 months ago

Great Video, I finally have a better grasp of TypeScript. My Project Request would be for a Fullstack SaaS Framework. This would be the frame anyone could use for there next SaaS project and could include things like Login/Auth, Profile, Admin Section, Graphs, etc. Again Thanks for your great explanation of typescript.