
BeJS#25 | Enhancing WeWeb: Strategies for Boosting VueJS Performance in a Large WebApp

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BeJS#25 | Developing WeWeb: VueJS Performance Optimization On A Large WebApp

BeJS#25 | Developing WeWeb: VueJS Performance Optimization On A Large WebApp

WeWeb is a large web application built using VueJS, and in this article, we’ll discuss the various performance optimization techniques that were implemented during its development.

1. Code Splitting

One of the first steps taken to improve performance was code splitting. By splitting the code into smaller, more manageable chunks, we were able to reduce the initial load time of the application and improve overall performance.

2. Lazy Loading

We also implemented lazy loading for certain components and modules within the application. This meant that these parts of the application were only loaded when they were actually needed, reducing the initial load time and improving the overall user experience.

3. Minification and Compression

To further optimize performance, we minified and compressed our JavaScript and CSS files. This reduced the file sizes and improved load times for users, especially those on slower internet connections.

4. Server-Side Rendering

Another important optimization technique was implementing server-side rendering. This allowed us to pre-render the initial HTML for each page on the server, reducing the time it takes for the page to load and improving overall performance.

5. Caching and CDN

Finally, we utilized caching and content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve performance. By caching static assets and serving them from a CDN, we were able to reduce the load on our servers and improve the delivery speed of our content to users around the world.

By implementing these performance optimization techniques, we were able to significantly improve the performance of WeWeb and provide a better user experience for our users. We hope that these techniques can be helpful for other developers working on large VueJS web applications as well.