Bekerja Keraslah, Karena Esok Akan Menjadi Kaya

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Kerja Keras Lah, karna Besok akan Miskin

Kerja Keras Lah, karna Besok akan Miskin

Work hard today, because you will be poor tomorrow.

It is important to work hard and put in the effort now, in order to ensure a better future for yourself. This proverb emphasizes the importance of perseverance and determination in achieving success.

Whether it is in your career, education, or personal endeavors, giving your all today will pave the way for a brighter future. By working hard and being diligent in your efforts, you can build a strong foundation for tomorrow’s success.

Remember, nothing worth having comes easy. So, keep pushing yourself and striving for excellence, because the hard work you put in now will pay off in the long run.

So, let this proverb serve as a reminder to always give it your all and work hard, because it will ultimately lead to a better tomorrow.