Belajar Penggunaan Path URL dan Query Parameter di FastAPI Framework – Bagian 7. Panduan FastAPI Framework untuk Pemula

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In this tutorial, we will continue learning about Path URL dan Query Param in the FastAPI framework. This is part 7 of our tutorial series on learning FastAPI for beginners.

To begin, let’s recap what we have learned so far in the previous tutorials. We have learned how to create endpoints, handle request and response objects, and work with query parameters in FastAPI. Now, we will delve deeper into using path URL and query parameters in our API endpoints.

  1. Path parameters in FastAPI:
    Path parameters allow us to define parts of the URL that are variable. We can extract these values and use them in our endpoint functions. To define a path parameter, we use curly braces {} in the URL path. For example, if we have a path parameter for a user’s ID, we can define it like this:
async def get_user(user_id: int):
    return {"user_id": user_id}

In this example, the user_id path parameter is extracted from the URL and passed as an argument to the get_user endpoint function.

  1. Query parameters in FastAPI:
    Query parameters allow us to add additional information to our API requests. They are specified after the URL path and separated by a question mark (?). For example, if we want to filter users by their age, we can add a query parameter like this:
async def get_users(age: int):
    return {"users_age": age}

In this example, the age query parameter is extracted from the request URL and passed as an argument to the get_users endpoint function.

  1. Working with path and query parameters together:
    In FastAPI, we can use path and query parameters together in our API endpoints. For example, if we want to get a specific user by ID and filter them by age, we can define our endpoint like this:
async def get_user(user_id: int, age: int):
    return {"user_id": user_id, "age": age}

In this example, both the user_id path parameter and age query parameter are extracted from the request URL and passed as arguments to the get_user endpoint function.

  1. Testing our API endpoints:
    To test our API endpoints with path and query parameters, we can use tools like Postman or cURL. We can make GET requests to our endpoints with the appropriate path and query parameters to see the responses.

In conclusion, path URL dan query param are powerful features in the FastAPI framework that allow us to create flexible and dynamic API endpoints. By using path and query parameters, we can customize our endpoints to handle a wide range of requests and provide useful responses to our clients.

That’s it for part 7 of our tutorial series on learning FastAPI for beginners. Stay tuned for more tutorials on FastAPI and other web development topics. Happy coding!