Biden administration criticized for misquoting well-known Reagan phrase

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A Biden official has been the subject of mockery and criticism after misquoting a famous line from former President Ronald Reagan during a press conference. The official, who was speaking about the Biden administration’s infrastructure plan, incorrectly stated, “There’s an old saying, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, well there is in fact such a thing as a free lunch.”

The original line, famously attributed to Reagan, is actually, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” The misquote quickly spread on social media, with many taking the opportunity to ridicule the official for the mistake.

While misquoting a famous line may seem like a minor mistake, it has become emblematic of the criticism surrounding the Biden administration’s infrastructure plan. Critics argue that the plan, which includes significant spending and potential tax increases, will not come without a cost to everyday Americans.

Furthermore, the misquote has led to questions about the competence and attention to detail of the Biden administration officials. In a time when the administration is trying to rally support for its ambitious infrastructure and economic recovery plans, such errors can be damaging to their credibility.

However, it’s important to note that misquoting a famous line is a common mistake that can happen to anyone, regardless of their political affiliation. In this case, it has become a focal point for critics of the administration’s policies.

The Biden administration has not yet addressed the misquote, but it serves as a reminder of the importance of accuracy and attention to detail in public statements. As the administration continues to push for its infrastructure plan and other policy initiatives, it will have to ensure that its officials are well-prepared and articulate in their messaging.

In the grand scheme of things, the misquote may not have a significant impact on the Biden administration’s agenda, but it certainly has provided ammunition for its critics. Moving forward, the administration will need to be vigilant in avoiding such mistakes and maintaining a strong and persuasive narrative for its policies.

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6 months ago

lol he DID NOT mean that as a good thing 😂

mike odonnell
6 months ago

what a potato head

6 months ago

The Biden’s are disgusting and vile! 🐀🐀😡

6 months ago

Personally, I would NOT want my child to have the last name of Biden.

6 months ago

We suck at everything

6 months ago

I am not a democrat -i respectfully disagree with how education matters are handled in our country.
I am from CONNECTICUT- i worked in Mr Cardona's hometown for 20 years.


6 months ago

This should disqualify him from him from that position. SHAME

6 months ago

An identity hire… not a real hire… and he's in the education department? yikes. don't want him educating my kids.

6 months ago

I am with the usual "conspiracy" that they're trying to erase history by saying that Reagan said the government is good when he actually said the complete opposite. I hope these communists get voted out of office.

But also basically everyone in this administration were dropped on their heads as babies.

6 months ago

Reagan was warning us about this guy

6 months ago

Yup, a propaganda twist from Bidens admin.

6 months ago

Fox misinformation is a threat to democracy. Fake news deception is step 1 in the dictators' handbook

6 months ago

👍👍👍👍. I was at a retirement seminar and the speaker spoke on how he quit his job after he made well over $950,000 PROFIT within 3months he invested $120,000. I just began investing and i will really appreciate any tips or helpful guide.

6 months ago

Stay positive and keep shining! ☀️

6 months ago

They spew propaganda that masses of the republican base think are facts because it reinforces what they already believe. It's an affirmation loop designed to gin up hate & fear which keeps people watching which keeps bankrolling fox. So they all dive deeper & deeper into crazy conspiracy crap. There should be a huge disclaimer on the screen at all times saying "Fox news – None of this is true but we stand up for your constitutional right to waste your life believing garbage."

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

Nice try we know what Ronald Reagan said!!!!!!

6 months ago

Here's a conspiratorial idea, What if Trump is a deep state agent of the Democratic Party! 🤔 What if the DNC has him who was always a Democrat run as a Republican and exploit all of the obvious unpopular agendas of the right so that the DNC can win all elections for a generation? 🤔 What if Republicans are so blinded by party and deep rooted bigotry that it would be tricked into shamelessly affiliate with the most famous dictators around the world. What if it could be turned into a circus on national tv? 🎪

What if the DNC masterminds have accomplished its mission to discredit their opposition party?

6 months ago

He is the example of why school students are not evolving with teaching.