Biden asks Congress for assistance in supporting Ukraine

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In a dramatic plea to Congress, President Joe Biden has appealed for urgent aid to be sent to Ukraine as the country faces escalating tensions with Russia. In a speech on Tuesday, President Biden stressed the importance of supporting Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression and called on Congress to provide military assistance to help defend the country.

The situation in Ukraine has been tense for years, with ongoing conflict in the eastern regions of the country and Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. Tensions have escalated in recent weeks, with reports of Russian military buildup on the Ukraine border and the threat of further aggression.

In his speech, President Biden emphasized the need for the United States to stand with Ukraine and support its sovereignty and territorial integrity. He called on Congress to approve $2.5 billion in military aid to Ukraine, including fighter jets, tanks, and other weapons, to help bolster the country’s defenses.

The President also highlighted the importance of providing non-lethal aid, such as humanitarian assistance and economic support, to help Ukraine weather the ongoing crisis. He stressed that the United States has a moral obligation to support Ukraine and ensure that it can defend itself against Russian aggression.

President Biden’s appeal comes at a critical moment, as tensions between Ukraine and Russia continue to rise. The United States and its allies have expressed concern about Russia’s aggressive actions and have called for a de-escalation of the situation. By providing military aid to Ukraine, the United States hopes to send a strong message to Russia and deter further aggression.

The appeal to Congress for Ukraine aid has received bipartisan support, with lawmakers from both parties expressing their willingness to support the President’s request. Many lawmakers have recognized the importance of standing with Ukraine and pushing back against Russian aggression, and have pledged to work together to provide the necessary aid.

While the situation in Ukraine remains precarious, President Biden’s appeal to Congress for aid represents a significant step in demonstrating the United States’ commitment to supporting Ukraine and standing up to Russian aggression. By providing the necessary military and non-lethal aid, the United States can help Ukraine defend itself and send a clear message to Russia that further aggression will not be tolerated.

As the situation in Ukraine continues to unfold, it is essential for the United States and its allies to remain steadfast in their support for Ukraine and to continue to push for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict. President Biden’s appeal to Congress for aid is a crucial step in demonstrating that commitment and ensuring that Ukraine has the support it needs to defend itself against Russian aggression.

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6 months ago

Joe, maybe send Hunter over to Ukraine if you are so interested in saving it. American's don't believe your lies anymore. Extreme Republicans are doing their job – representing and protecting American's…something YOU JOE BIDEN have refused to do. No compromise – close OUR border and defund, defund, defund this runaway dictator. What a hypocrite…NOW Joe will fix the border and doesn't want petty partisan politics…what a joke he is. THREE years into his Presidency when Democrats have had all the power to fix it. Joe Biden is a LIAR and a crook…from WAAAAY back in his career. WHO believes this BS coming out of his mouth?

6 months ago

America can take help from The World Bank.

6 months ago

Anyone who agrees with him should be triple taxed 😂 since they wanna support this bull 💩

6 months ago

🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 him and his voters

6 months ago

Biden is trying to distract all Americans with making dumb decisions purposely as he believes this will deter the people in the government from impeaching him for high crimes

6 months ago

Who Was Sent Motovas With Sheath of Communist Russia and Engine JMC of USA , next to Troops Boshevich and They were Stranposted Went to Communist China and to North Vietnam Communist .
And across Annamite Range Moutain then attacked to South Vietnam an ally of USA , South Vietnam was outpost Fought against to Comunism.

1971 /07/09 Henry Kissinger was Secret Visit Zhou Enlai and Sold Ally South Vietnam , Plans Sold AMERICA for Communist Socialism Chinazi.

Henry Kissinger was ate Bone and Drank Blood of 58,000 Soldiers US Army.

They did Fought Against to Vietcong.
They did Fought for Freedom.
They were Dead in Vietnam.

2023/11/29 Henry Kissinger was went to The Hell for The Met Zhou Enlai , Mao Ste Toung , Jiang Zemin , Karl Marx , Lenin , Stalin , Huziming , Polpot , Hiter .

Bill Clinton , Obama , Joe Rob Ballots , Nancy Expelosive , PENTAGON , CIA , FBI , Democrat Party , Rihnos Continue working follow Command Perform Plans Sale AMERICA for Communist Socialism Chinazi.

6 months ago

Gonna make " compromises" on Border Security? Your OWN Country?
Gonna use my security as a bargaining chip for you to get billions for people who don't LIVE IN my country?
Talk about the Worst President in the History of The United States.
….shoulda been a bus driver with this intellect.

6 months ago

Someone tell that moron to get NATO to hand over the cash. Of course, him and his Dems and who knows who else would lose some of that hidden- in- the- back pocket cash. Why did Trump have problems with Ukraine, but this dim can get away with it?

6 months ago

Who cares what you think you bumbling fool let me pass this on to you 🖕🖕

6 months ago

Did you know $60 billion is sought by Biden for Ukraine aid! Simple question – why America should continue to write unlimited blank checks (with "our tax dollars") to pay for foreign conflicts while the average American family struggles to grasp the "American Dream?

6 months ago

Close the border first simple as that.

6 months ago

🌎☮All US Presidents shared the same view about Russia and Israel except for one. I think most people will stick with what they know which is all experienced US Presidents have protected democracy and our freedoms. But everyone can see the one and only US President that talks about getting rid of the constitution, and he compliments those leaders who happen to be dictators who do not honor democracy or freedom. I think most voters will go with what they know and have known for centuries and vote for President Biden again. He may be older, but he is indeed wiser with loads of experience, and gets things done like he is much younger than his age.

6 months ago


6 months ago

There are those that justified voting for Biden because of trump. it is like trading a headache for a cancer.

6 months ago

Joe Biden is worthless sack of sh1t political domestic terrorist TEAITOR.

6 months ago

Remember………………………10% FOR THE "BIG GUY"!

6 months ago

I hope joe bites the dirt soon. He is a worthless DOMESTIC POLITICAL TERRORIST TRAITOR.

6 months ago

Joe Biden sucks Putins cawk and likes it.

6 months ago

This guys a p3d0ph1le and political terrorist. Joe better watch his back.

6 months ago

Biggest r3t4rd ever!!!!!