Biden questioned about Israeli actions in Gaza, reportedly targeting Hamas tunnels with flooding

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During a press conference on Thursday, President Joe Biden was asked about the Israeli military’s operations in Gaza, which reportedly included flooding Hamas tunnels with seawater. The question came as the conflict between Israel and Hamas entered its 10th day with no sign of abating.

Biden’s response to the question was cautious, but he expressed support for Israel’s right to defend itself while also acknowledging the plight of Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire. He emphasized the need for a ceasefire and called for de-escalation of the violence.

The flooding of Hamas tunnels with seawater marks a new tactic in Israel’s ongoing military operations in Gaza. The tunnels are used by Hamas to smuggle weapons, launch attacks, and hide from Israeli airstrikes. By flooding the tunnels, Israel aims to disrupt Hamas’ ability to operate and limit the group’s capabilities.

The use of such tactics has sparked mixed reactions. Some view it as a necessary measure to combat terrorist activity and protect Israeli citizens, while others see it as a harsh and potentially harmful action against the civilian population in Gaza.

The escalation of violence in the region has drawn widespread international concern and calls for a ceasefire. The United Nations and various world leaders have urged both sides to end the bloodshed and work towards a peaceful resolution.

The situation has further strained already tense relations between Israel and the Palestinians. The conflict has also led to increased tensions within Israel, where violent clashes between Jewish and Arab communities have erupted.

As the violence continues to escalate, the human toll is mounting. Hundreds of people, including many civilians, have been killed in the conflict, and thousands have been injured. The destruction of homes, infrastructure, and vital services has left many Palestinians struggling to survive.

The United States has been a key ally and supporter of Israel for decades, but the Biden administration has faced growing pressure to take a stronger stance on the conflict. Critics argue that the U.S. should do more to hold Israel accountable for its actions and to address the humanitarian crisis facing the Palestinian people.

Biden’s cautious approach to the situation reflects the complex and delicate nature of the conflict. The president has emphasized the need for diplomacy and has been in communication with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, as well as other regional actors, to seek a path towards peace.

The flooding of Hamas tunnels with seawater is just one aspect of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, but it highlights the fierce and relentless nature of the fighting. The situation remains highly volatile, and the need for a swift and sustainable ceasefire is urgent.

As the world watches and waits for an end to the violence, the hope for a lasting peace in the region remains elusive. The suffering and devastation wrought by the conflict serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Only through dialogue, negotiation, and a commitment to peaceful coexistence can the cycle of violence be broken and a better future for all be secured.

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6 months ago

Blabber blabber blabber..
It would be nice if he was able to actually answer the question

6 months ago


6 months ago

What about the Jewish nazis cutting babies out of the expectant Palestinian mother’s belly- just to see if the child inside is a boy or girl? Hmmmmmm???

6 months ago

You don’t think Israel has done EXACTLY the same OR WORSE? Seriously- how about 75 years of occupation and systematic ethnic cleansing AGAINST native Palestinians?

6 months ago

Hamas is stealing all the humanitarian aid. Why is that unclear?

6 months ago


6 months ago

how cold .. Soulless dead inside President no compassion for suffering, lacks vision for Humanity

6 months ago

Our government cant even help its own people that are working 60-70 hours a week and still can’t afford food, rent, and basic transportation? Just what does any Republican or Democratic politician think they are going to do for hostages hidden in tunnels underneath the desert in another nation that is at war? Hustlers is what they all are. Used car salesmen. Don’t trust them. Don’t fear them. Don’t ask anything of them.

6 months ago

اللہ پاک فلسطینیوں کی حماس کی مسجد اقصٰی کی اور تمام مجاہدین کی حفاظت فرمائے آمین stop israeli bombing at Gaza

6 months ago


6 months ago

U.S must be prosecuted for War Crimes

6 months ago

It is awful… as a USMC vet I know for a fact of the highest levels of government that we are here to fully support and have Israel’s back against the terrorist organization known as “humas”.

6 months ago

Teleprompting screens were moved to the podium, less revealing. Nice.

6 months ago

This is INSANE

6 months ago

Why doesn’t he just let the reporter read his answer.

6 months ago

Bibi is not the appropriate way for a reporter of all people to be addressing the PM of any other country. Who do we think we are not respecting other countries.

6 months ago

Get Bernie Sanders out of Government affairs.

6 months ago

Title correction

Biden sleep talks gibberish

6 months ago

“ Don't underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.” Obama.

6 months ago