Biden Seeks to Increase Covert U.S. Weapons Support for Israel, Report Shows

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Recently, there has been a report that President Joe Biden is making efforts to secure Israel with more secret access to U.S. weapons. The report indicates that the Biden administration is seeking to strengthen the military capabilities of the Israeli government amid rising tensions in the Middle East.

The U.S. has a long-standing partnership with Israel, providing the country with billions of dollars in military aid each year. However, this latest development suggests that the Biden administration is looking to further expand this relationship by granting Israel access to advanced U.S. weapons systems that have previously been kept under tight control.

The move comes at a critical time when Israel is facing increasing threats from neighboring countries and terrorist organizations. The recent conflict in the Gaza Strip has highlighted the need for Israel to have access to top-of-the-line military technology to defend itself against attacks.

On the other hand, there are concerns that providing Israel with more access to U.S. weapons could further destabilize the region and escalate tensions with other countries, particularly Iran. Some critics argue that the U.S. should be more cautious in arming Israel, as it could lead to an arms race and further exacerbate the conflict in the Middle East.

Despite the potential risks, the Biden administration seems determined to move forward with its plans to provide Israel with more secret access to U.S. weapons. This decision reflects the administration’s commitment to supporting Israel’s security and defending its interests in the region.

It is important to note that any changes in the U.S.-Israel military relationship will have to navigate through the complex web of international politics, particularly with regards to the ongoing negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program. The Biden administration will need to balance its support for Israel with the need to maintain stability and peace in the region.

Overall, the report on President Biden’s efforts to secure Israel with more secret access to U.S. weapons signals a deepening of the U.S.-Israel military partnership. It remains to be seen how this development will impact the dynamics of the Middle East and whether it will lead to further escalation or contribute to a more stable and secure environment for all parties involved.

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9 months ago

Biden is unhinged!
He wonders why he is called Genocide Joe.

9 months ago

Joe Biden only gives arms to be used only for democratic purposes. BIDEN is out and they know it so they dont care about elections

9 months ago

the problem ist the usa ist the citicen popularion the80 porcent ist ignorant , the gobermant ask sometink end neeb bilive or or bilive da set

9 months ago

The US is helping the Occupiers commit atrocities!

9 months ago

why? how about another way to launder weapons sales thru corrupt jewsrael. DOD can’t pass an audit, and we wanna give the greedy jews unfettered access to our cache of weapons? start taking names of the aipac goys

9 months ago

You won't ever get my vote ever again

9 months ago

200 mill would really help college kids

9 months ago

Give the Palestine arm. Your fight is unfair. You are giving the Israeli top of the line weapon

9 months ago

Biden should not send weapons to Isreal. Feed and shelter our homeless

9 months ago

World to hold Israel accountable for war crimes and American government accountable for being complicit….

9 months ago

Biden tirelessly strives to support Zionist extremists, the Israeli army to commit their vile crimes and the worst indescribable crimes against humanity against Palestinian civilians.

9 months ago

USA government is an accessory to the war crimes committed by the IDF and accessory at the fact is if you are present at the crime, and you aided, abetted, counselled or procured the crime at the time of the crime.

9 months ago

Terrorist attacks? Self defense is what Oct 7th was.

9 months ago

Republicans and democrats are both war mongers. They have never seen a war they didn't support.

9 months ago

He really is genecide Joe isn't he? Those gas reserves are quiet the pay back I guess.

9 months ago

Biiiden is a tool of netan they control who gets elected and they rob tax payers

9 months ago

Can't help thinking Netanyahu has got some serious shit on Biden. He's like a spineless jelly fish.

9 months ago

Well l'll be doggone, Joe you are already in a poop 💩 sandwich, what's enough?

9 months ago

I guess if the US doesn’t give Israel weapons, it will get them from Russia (Putin and Bibi are good mates) or China

Political reality and maybe American public won’t support it?

9 months ago

American sabotage is continue but its time to stop by any means world have power now realy