Biden Struggles to Regain Support Following Steep Drop in Approval Ratings

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Biden Is Scrambling For Support After Plummeting Approval Ratings

President Joe Biden is facing a tough challenge as his approval ratings continue to plummet. With issues such as rising inflation, supply chain disruptions, and a surge of migrants at the southern border, the Biden administration is in a difficult position as it tries to regain support from the American people.

According to recent polls, Biden’s approval rating has sunk to its lowest point since taking office, with some surveys showing that less than 40% of Americans approve of the job he is doing. This has sent shockwaves through the Democratic party, with many lawmakers growing increasingly worried about their prospects in the upcoming midterm elections.

In response to this downward trend, the Biden administration has been scrambling to regain support from the American people. The president has been making appearances across the country, touting the benefits of his economic and infrastructure plans while attempting to reassure the public that his administration has a plan to address the various challenges facing the nation.

Additionally, the Biden administration has been working to deliver on its promises, with a renewed emphasis on passing key legislation in Congress. This includes the passage of the infrastructure bill and the Build Back Better plan, both of which are aimed at addressing some of the most pressing issues facing the country.

At the same time, the administration has been working to improve its messaging and communication strategy, in an effort to better connect with the American people. This has included a series of interviews and town hall events, where the president has spoken directly to the public about his plans and priorities.

Despite these efforts, the Biden administration is still struggling to regain momentum and support from the American people. Many are growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress on key issues, and some are concerned about the direction in which the country is heading.

As the Biden administration continues to search for support, it is clear that the president and his team have their work cut out for them. With midterm elections fast approaching, the Democratic party is hoping to reverse the current trend and regain the trust and confidence of the American people. Only time will tell if the administration’s efforts will be successful.

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6 months ago

America is bought by zionist

6 months ago

Biden is not a good leader if the citizens of the united states are not paying attention he will certainly lead them into destruction.

6 months ago

here's my thing, aren't they supposed to ask us 1st and we vote and everything b4 they do stuff??

6 months ago

I was sure the guy was going to take a hit also but Anna, your friends on the other side have doubled down on crazy!! …Only making him look better😂

6 months ago

Tell Biden we did not vote for him to send our money to Israel

6 months ago

The IDF is now admitting that at least 85% of the people they stripped, tortured and paraded around for the world to see were innocent civilians.

6 months ago

So happy I stopped watching TYT as of October 8th

6 months ago

Biden is going Trump is back in. Learn to love Trump he will be your president once again.

6 months ago

It’s obvious that this genocide has nothing to do with terrorism but, as always, with greed. Israel wants the rest of the land that they have not stolen yet for themselves and US wants to explore Gaza for the gas. But I’m glad that the hipocrisy is becaming clearer.

6 months ago

Nazi Joe biden

6 months ago

You have to get rid of Jews with their money and influence in American government for America to be America!!!

6 months ago

I don’t think this administration understands that they had already lost their last boogeyman, the Arabs. We know them now; we’ve lived with them, we love them. They are our neighbors, our friends. What happened to the Palestinians is personal to us. Many of us know people in Gaza. The images coming out of Gaza are so absolutely devastating, the lifeless bodies of so many children every single day. It stopped many Americans in our tracks, we can’t sleep, we can’t eat, my 16 year old daughter saw a video and actually went into shock; we had to take her in to her doctor! Her friend’s parents started calling me; their children are horrified, it is impacting our own youth here in the U.S. Biden will not be able to sugar coat this. He missed his opportunity to realize who Netanyahu really is and how extremely wrong long ago. Now the world views this as just as much the Biden administration’s doing because Netanyahu cannot continue if the U.S. withdraws support and every day more children, women, and innocent civilians die. Muslims are not the only group of people who will not vote for Biden. It is not only younger voters either. They are severely underestimating how many voters of conscience of all ages simply cannot look their children in the eyes and tell them we voted for Biden again. We are beyond livid and absolutely disgusted by this administration! History will not paint a pretty picture of Biden. His legacy is one of great shame, one of a murderer of the innocent, of women, the elderly, disabled, civilians, those already severely oppressed living under brutal occupation , and of CHILDREN! There is no coming back from this and each day, he only makes it worse. Let us hope the UN Secretary-General having heard our worldwide pleas and invoking Article 99 will be able to stop this deplorable massacre.

6 months ago

It will take HUGE pressure (at the polls) to overcome the $4,000,000+ being paid to Biden's campaign fund by the AIPAC and over $100M paid to the Democrats. Biden is on a razor edge of being defeated by the horrible alternative. Joe, the only way out is to do WHAT IS RIGHT. Take a stand, a public principled stand and the public will reward you. Netanyahu is a genocidal, racist thug every bit as much as Trump. Recognize that.

6 months ago

Enough is enough 'stop this madness war now too much hardship we are experiencing now globally through this madness war inflation gone up price increases in basic things that is so vital to survival one recommendation stop this madness and find a peaceful solution to existing crisis

6 months ago

Terrorism on settlement on Palestinian land in my opinion is outrageous

6 months ago

Joe Biden American President blue light and Israel pause was and still is disastrous one recommendation stop this madness and find a peaceful solution to existing crisis

6 months ago

Israel is the biggest terrorist nation on Earth. They instigate others to react from their acts of terrorism, then call those reacting to Israel's provacation the terrorists.

This is a dirty nation filled with lies and deciet based on religious lies that are not based on any logic. Or facts. While warmongering Israel destroys more and more families so they can occupy their land

6 months ago

He weakening the U.S. military, now the Islamist Jihadist and Comunnist Countries are laughing and festing

6 months ago

Congratulations on your downfall

6 months ago

Seems like you want trump to win…..if he does i hope he comes after you nows not the time to decide