Biden tells donors he’s uncertain about running in 2024 if Trump isn’t in the race

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In a recent gathering with donors, President Joe Biden reportedly made a surprising statement, expressing uncertainty about running for re-election in 2024 if former President Donald Trump decides not to run. According to sources present at the event, Biden was quoted as saying, ‘I’m not sure I’d be running if he was.’

The remark has sparked a great deal of speculation and debate about Biden’s intentions for the next presidential election. It also sheds light on the significant role that Trump plays in shaping the political landscape and influencing his potential opponents.

It is no secret that the rivalry between Biden and Trump has been a focal point in American politics for the past several years. Their starkly different approaches to governance, policy, and leadership have set the stage for a highly polarized and divided nation. Trump’s impact on the Republican Party and the broader conservative movement has also been undeniable, cementing his status as a dominant figure in American politics.

Biden’s candid admission that his decision to run for re-election is tied to Trump’s potential candidacy speaks volumes about the enduring influence of his predecessor. It reflects the reality that Trump, despite being out of office, continues to cast a long shadow over the political landscape.

For Biden, the prospect of facing off against Trump once again may well be a motivating factor in seeking a second term. The dynamic between the two men has been a driving force for both parties, with each leveraging the other to mobilize their respective bases and rally support.

However, Biden’s comments also raise the question of whether his decision to run should be contingent on the presence of a particular opponent. Should a potential re-election bid be based on the identity of his opposition, or on a clear vision for the future of the country and his ability to lead it?

Furthermore, Biden’s remarks highlight the broader issue of leadership and the importance of having a strong, independent voice in the political arena. While it is natural for political figures to assess the landscape and consider their chances in a future election, it is essential that their decision-making is driven by a sense of purpose and a commitment to serving the interests of the American people.

As the nation grapples with a host of pressing challenges, from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to economic recovery and social and political divisions, it is crucial that leadership remains focused on addressing these issues in a meaningful and constructive manner. The decision to seek re-election should be guided by a genuine desire to lead and to make a positive impact, rather than by the presence or absence of a particular opponent.

Ultimately, Biden’s statement to donors serves as a reminder of the intricate interplay between political figures and the broader forces at play in the political arena. It also underscores the need for political leadership that is guided by a clear vision and a dedication to the public good, rather than by external factors.

Whether or not Biden ultimately decides to run for re-election in 2024, his comments have ignited a thoughtful conversation about the nature of leadership and the dynamics of American politics. They also serve as a timely reminder of the weighty responsibilities that come with seeking and holding high office.

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6 months ago

That's the smartest thing I ever heard Joe Biden say

6 months ago

Más fuerte mentiroso

6 months ago

Most people didn't vote for Biden they just voted against Trump. They don't know where their Biden bumper stickers or pins are at, but they do know where the stickers against Trump are. Many blacks and Hispanics are turning away from the Democrats. They're importing millions of illegal voters though.

6 months ago

He won't debate Trump. He'll say I'm not debating an insurrectionist. But that's not the real reason.

6 months ago

Makes sense because he is not taking chances in a dictatorship in America
Obviously he is making sure we maintain a Democracy

6 months ago

If Biden is going to continue the lie about babies being decapitated in Israel, how can we believe anything he says 🤔

6 months ago

We'd all be hypothetically happier if Trump were to accidentally fall into a wood chipper or a freshly poured concrete sub-basement on a NYC building project. Then we could really call the place Trump Tower. But I don't believe in Santa C. so no presents and no reindeer (especially since no Arctic). But that's too dramatic.

What we have to get to, we being the Voting Public, is to get back to a place where US Politics is taken back to the arena of serious discussion about relevant problems and policy to address said issues.

Now, Nikki Haley, to her credit, did come out with the statement to open the discussion about Soc. Sec. reform. That seems prudent given that OMB is projecting a depletion of the Trust Fund in 2033 or 2034.

How we get to a solution is as much about changes to the program as well as changes to America, the demographics, and the social and economic expectations of people. There is a strong demand in America for replacement employee's. Business is saying part of the AI movement is the persistent lack of qualified applicants. But there is also a pay and benefit gap on the Labor Side argument. The Fed. Minimum Wage is holding back entry level workers from being able to pay for basic needs. The 2009 $7.25/hour is deficient by $8-10/hour now under the real world costs structure. People are not able to work at subsistence wages, and Government is not able to continue to Debt Finance benefit services that traditionally were part of an employment compensation package.

The creation of the ACA was in part to address the working poor inability to afford healthcare, and to address the poor's avoidance of health care except in ER situations with accumulating personal debt and bankruptcy exploding. There was a time in America, when wages were supplemented by company sponsored benefits including 401K and group insurance participation. Now, companies are barely offering a living wage and nothing else.

And that ties back to Social Security reform. As we know, employees and their employer are mandated to contribute (6.20% and 1.45%) respectively to SSI and Medicare with annual income limits to earned income taxation for SSI, if I remember correctly.

One easy way to see funding improve for the current program is to see a broad increase in wage and salary income. The person earning $22K a year and the person earning $45K per year are contributing vastly different amounts to the program over their working lifetime, and of course so is their employer. Of course employers don't want to pay more in wages and entitlement program contributions, so the resistance to raising the Minimum wage is Fierce. But then, do we keep offshoring basic skills jobs, manufacturing jobs, call center jobs, et cetera for tax avoidance?

No, that only leads to a weakening of America, and it's social structure, with a super minority of ultra wealthy living in isolated pockets of luxury surrounded by ever more swaths of Urban decay and homelessness and tent cities. The problem is not that people are poor or that cities refuse to provide services. The problem is that employers have gutted the system, and then blame the Working Americans for their own failure.

Government has been attempting to solve the problem with programs, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Affordable Care Act, Student Loan Relief, but the number of poor keep growing. And the Federal Nation Debt as well. Seems we can't keep supporting an 880 billion dollar Dept. of Defense program annually and all the other Federal programs and agencies.

But building walls between the US and Mexico is just another example of building walls around US Country Club estates and the surrounding Urban blight. The US and THEM policy is NOT working. Eventually social unrest will become social revolt.

Now I can see some unprincipled Elected Officials taking the Kent State, Ohio course to dealing with social problems, but the National Guard using firearms to quell social unrest is not a very effective policy solution. Maybe then, another candidate who would be less likely to clear an area around a Church in DC with riot police just so he can have a PHOTO OP holding up a Bible in the air, will not be a very humane and substantive candidate? I would hope we could produce a better "rational" choice than Demagoguery.

We'll see. People have to engage in the rational process too, and that process first has to come by disengaging from the Hostile Media and Propaganda Sites that only serve to inflame emotions and further polarize issues and their supporters.

I just hope that the America people look to "rational actors" going forward, that have some broad based solutions to problems affecting large numbers of Americans.

6 months ago

Trump Trump yes let’s go Donald Trump❤️🙏❤️🙏

6 months ago

Ha, Joe thinks he is in the race.😂

6 months ago

Why do you want this job? Because I don't want him to get it. Perfect! You're the motivation that we need in this company! welcome aboard.

6 months ago

BIDEN IS TO OLD. Bidens dementia is showing, he needs to drop out now.

6 months ago

The media is a joke and do not report the truth I am surprised cnn have any viewers to lie to

6 months ago

Can we get a age limit on all seats of office? These guys are older than dinosaurs.

6 months ago

Lies and gaslighting. Definitely not breaking news considering the news source. But this is just blatent.

Joe Biden is LITERALLY the worst person to go against trump. That's not an exaggeration. Polling shows that any democrat could beat trump. And it shows biden losing to every republican. And no, he wouldn't step down either. biden just admitted that about 50 other democrats could beat trump. Sorry jake. He's doing it because he's selfish and doesn't want his reputation to be stained even more than it currently is.

We're going to get demolished in 2024. Nice job.

6 months ago

هذا ما تفعله اسرائيل بأموالكم وتبرعاتكم

6 months ago

cnn can you get debate with biden and trump

6 months ago

My perspective as an Israeli who doesn't have a horse in the American political race is high appreciation for Biden who stands by Israel while fighting opposition from the right and from his own party. This is a man who is true to his values rather than his own political survival.
Although Trump is pro-Israel I admire Biden's willingness to stand in front of the wagon just to prevent someone as dangerous, callous, and with total disregard for his own people from rising into power. I am sure if Nikki Haley was the leading conservative, Biden wouldn't have said that. But then again, I am watching from across the globe so I am sure I don't understand everything.

6 months ago

Democrats LMAO

6 months ago

He’s ‘Not Sure’
The most Average Person in the 20th Century, but in 2024 he’s the best the Dems have to offer… 😂

6 months ago

Billy JEAN KING, What would be on CNN if 17,000 mainly civilians were murdered in Israel or any other country>… How have they managed to whitewash it?AIPAC