Biden told by Mark Levin: ‘You sparked an escalation in the Middle East’

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Conservative radio host Mark Levin has never been one to mince words, and his recent comments directed at President Joe Biden are no exception. In a recent episode of “The Mark Levin Show,” Levin turned his attention to Biden’s foreign policy in the Middle East, and he didn’t hold back.

Levin wasted no time in addressing Biden directly, saying, “You lit up the Middle East, Joe Biden. Congratulations. You lit up the Middle East.”

Levin’s remarks come amid escalating tensions in the region, with violence flaring up between Israel and Hamas. The conflict, which has claimed the lives of both Israelis and Palestinians, has put the spotlight on Biden’s handling of the situation.

Levin didn’t hold back in his criticism of Biden’s approach, accusing the president of emboldening America’s enemies. He pointed to Biden’s support for the Iran nuclear deal and his administration’s attempt to reengage with the Palestinian Authority as evidence of a shift away from the strong support for Israel that was a hallmark of the Trump administration.

Levin went on to argue that Biden’s policies have only served to embolden Iran, Hamas, and other militant groups in the region, leading to increased violence and instability.

“Joe Biden has put the Middle East on fire,” Levin declared. “His weakness, his appeasement, and his groveling to our enemies have emboldened them.”

Levin’s comments reflect the concerns of many conservatives who have criticized Biden’s foreign policy approach. They argue that the administration’s focus on diplomacy and reengagement with international organizations has come at the expense of America’s traditional allies, particularly Israel.

Levin’s remarks also come at a time when Biden is facing pressure to take a more decisive stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Some have called on the president to show stronger support for Israel, while others have urged him to take a more active role in brokering a ceasefire.

Whatever the outcome of the current conflict, it’s clear that Levin and other conservatives will continue to hold Biden’s foreign policy decisions to a high standard. And if the situation in the Middle East worsens, it’s likely that Levin will be among the first to call the president out on it.

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6 months ago

You are 200% right Mark Levin. You have it clear. Thankyou

6 months ago


6 months ago

Ok now

6 months ago

✳️🇺🇸TRUMP2024🇺🇸✳️ ✴️Lets Make America GREAT Again!✴️

6 months ago

all these freedom fighters for free Palestine brought in by airplanes during reign Clinton ,Bush Jr and best friend of Israel Obama.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Mark Levin tells it like it is, the truth.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Fox news let's leave Biden and even the Democrats out of this anti isreal issue. Biden has been very steadfast in his support for isreal and so has the vast majority of Democrats. Let's be united in this. Stop the bias.

6 months ago

Mark is always right

6 months ago

Calm down Mark Levine and stop spreading lies Israel occupy the Palestinian land

6 months ago

I'm sick of biden and Obama 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

6 months ago

I'm sick of biden and Obama 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

6 months ago

Joe Biden is deliberately hurting the intire country because of his sons guilty crimes being held accountable and every American citizen knows its true.

6 months ago

which Party DEMOCRATS

6 months ago

Mark Levin Takes Off His Glasses Is Iconic 🥸 Mark Is Right We Are Importing Hate

6 months ago

Schumer and Sanders and Garland are low IQ Coward that refused to address the Problem about the anti-Semite'remarks about Isreal they hate America and Israel they should be Kicked out of Office because they support the Hamas Terrorists Group they are Traitors in the Democrats that are Jewish Haters in the Democrats they don't belong in the Congress that why they are silent or plan Cowards

6 months ago

If Chuck Schumer and the Far-left Democratc are going after Ted Cruz so by then wasting Time on Ted Cruz he should be going after the Hamas Terrorists Group that what Chuck Schumer he supports Hamas Terrorists Group he very Comfortable. with Hamas Terrorists Group that he supports Hamas Terrorists that why Chuck Schumer and Far-left Democratic party so as Results he hates America and Israel

6 months ago

These indoctrinated young people, with their grave lack of knowledge regarding history in the Middle East, and the founding of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, are repeating vicious fascist propaganda without realizing that they are just puppets on strings.

They dance to the tune of the puppet master without ever questioning the righteousness of their cause. That's how brainwashing works.

6 months ago

On fire. As always. The Great One. Nuff' said.