Biden Warns Netanyahu as UN Calls for Truce in Latest Israel Conflict

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In the midst of escalating violence between Israel and Hamas, world leaders are stepping in to try to bring an end to the conflict. The latest development in the situation has seen U.S. President Joe Biden warning Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to de-escalate the situation, while the United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas, the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, has been intensifying over the past week. The latest cycle of violence began with clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police in East Jerusalem, which quickly escalated into a full-blown conflict with rockets being fired from both sides.

In response to the escalating violence, President Biden spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu and expressed his support for Israel’s right to defend itself, but also urged the Israeli leader to make every effort to avoid civilian casualties. The U.S. has been a staunch ally of Israel for decades, but President Biden’s warning signals a shift in the country’s approach to the conflict.

Meanwhile, the United Nations has also been stepping up its efforts to bring an end to the violence. UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his deep concern about the ongoing conflict and called for an immediate ceasefire. The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on the situation, but unfortunately, they were not able to agree on a joint statement due to objections from the United States.

Despite the ongoing efforts to de-escalate the conflict, the situation on the ground remains dire. Both Israel and Hamas have continued to exchange rocket fire, resulting in casualties on both sides. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is also rapidly deteriorating, with hospitals and other vital infrastructure being damaged or destroyed.

The international community has been calling for an end to the violence and a return to peace negotiations. It is clear that the current cycle of violence is only exacerbating the already tense situation in the region and leading to further suffering for civilians on both sides. The world is watching closely as world leaders work to bring an end to the conflict and ultimately achieve a lasting peace in the region.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is crucial for all parties involved to prioritize the protection of civilian lives and to work towards a peaceful resolution. The world is hoping that the calls for a ceasefire from both President Biden and the United Nations will help to bring an end to the violence and pave the way for a return to negotiations. Only through dialogue and diplomacy can a sustainable peace be achieved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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8 months ago

Did the no good UN help the isreal . Condemned the the terorists no dump the UN .

8 months ago

Why don't they demand from Hamas to let go all the hostages?

8 months ago

The UN's opinion is totally slanted to the muslim point of view. Grow up UN people cant go around attacking other countries and taking hostages etc.

8 months ago

There is a lot of talk about what will be done to help Palestine AFTER Israel finishes destroying it. And this is crazy. The focus should be on stopping the destruction… long before now. Officials have been so complicit with Israel's sadistic occupation of Palestine, and Israel's decades long violent and unethical targeting of the Palestinian people, that its inexcusable. What will be left of Palestine when Israel is finished destroying it? What will be left of the Palestinian people when Israel is finished killing and traumatizing them?

The destruction that has already happened is too much! Its been too much since 1948. And in the past couple months… it soars beyond description. Its holocaustal.

8 months ago


8 months ago

Biden warning Netanyahu is beyond the pale of reality. If Netanyahu snapped his fingers , Bidens circuitry
Would self combust.

8 months ago

The US cannot demand, it can beg. The US is the tail now, not the dog. Biden has enemies on two fronts, namely Israel and Congress, driven by AIPAC and MIC. He cannot threaten Israel with cuts in finance and weaponry support, as Congress won't approve it. That's the only effective way to handle Netanyahu, but Congress is all for him, not Biden.

8 months ago

We finally see the true face of UN. UN is funded by Qatar and Iran.

8 months ago

UN is working for the devil beware!!!

8 months ago

Rusia shpalli fitoren para gjithe botes ne ukraine shikoni perendimin e carmatosi ukrainen e coji ne zero nga ana ushtarake dhe eshtyu te futet ne lufte me Rusinë dhe tani e la prap ne meshire te Rusise Auzihet bese perendimit si thoni

8 months ago

The US cannot control Israel. Now we know who the real boss is.

8 months ago

911? Jorge bush did it…!

8 months ago

The Hell is Empty…! Satanic humanoids….

8 months ago

All smoke! The USA Goverment does not give a damn about Islam or Muslims. Israel keep bombing away! The USA Goverment will say anything to sound ethical. The original home of the ethical slave owners!

8 months ago

Arab nations wants Israel demolished now that they are not winning they want to point fingers at Isreal. Oohhh I also remember no support for Ukraine from the Arabs

8 months ago

But they didn’t demand truce with Russia they let Russia slaughter Ukraine

8 months ago

Hamas is financed by Iz and is used as a bogey man cover story for the big oil/ga$ grab going on in Gaza

8 months ago

Joey needs to focus on the important things, like getting his diaper changed regularly.

8 months ago

Israel does not care what the UN says or does. They didn't care about UN resolution 242 in 1967, and they don't now. As the former Chief Rabbi of Israel Ovadia Yosef said in 2010 "Non Jews were born only to serve Jews, without this they have no purpose." Don't believe me ? Check wikipedia, or a hundred other sources, it was a public speech and is a matter of public record.

8 months ago

I don't think Biden ever warned. Its a lie. Media does replicate this lie to keep his voters, mainly young and minority voters, who have left Biden camp because of his actions in this conflict.