Biden’s Approval Rating is Plummeting, Says Huckabee

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Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has recently criticized President Joe Biden, stating that he is “sinking rapidly” as his approval ratings continue to decline.

Huckabee, who also ran for president in 2008 and 2016, made his comments during an appearance on Fox News. He claimed that Biden’s approval ratings are plummeting due to the current administration’s failures in handling the economy, foreign policy, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Huckabee, “Biden is sinking rapidly, and it’s not just in the polls, but it’s in the psyche of the American people who are recognizing that this is a presidency that is failing and flailing.”

Huckabee’s sentiments echo those of many other critics of the Biden administration, who have pointed to a number of issues that they believe have contributed to the president’s decline in popularity. One of the most pressing concerns for many Americans is the recent surge in inflation, which has caused prices to skyrocket for basic goods and services. Additionally, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and the ongoing border crisis have also garnered significant criticism.

In his remarks, Huckabee also took aim at Biden’s leadership style, claiming that the president lacks the ability to inspire confidence and provide a sense of stability for the American people.

While it is not uncommon for members of opposing political parties to criticize one another, Huckabee’s comments reflect a growing sentiment among many Americans who feel increasingly disillusioned with the current administration. As Biden’s approval ratings continue to decline, it is clear that his presidency is facing significant challenges that will require strong and decisive leadership to overcome.

As the 2022 midterm elections approach, it will be interesting to see how these issues play out in the political landscape. For now, Huckabee’s comments serve as a reminder that the American people are closely watching the performance of their leaders, and they expect nothing less than effective and competent governance.

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6 months ago

Sorry Cardona, you can't fix STUPID.

6 months ago

Cardona is a moron.

6 months ago

Like the titanic. Hope he lasts till after the election, or, could it be president kamala?

6 months ago

Borders were her biggest problem!

6 months ago

Are you kidding me right now? When is the last time they held themselves accountable for anything… Sure as hell wasn't In afghanistan no one has been fired to this day..

6 months ago

“Polar opposites”…that is the standard Democrat playbook! Sigh…..

6 months ago

Commie biden and harris are the worst president and vice president in the world since his commie teacher Obama

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

The first thing they need to do is get rid of Jean Pierre

6 months ago


6 months ago

Anybody with common sense and morals will not vote for biden.

6 months ago

Every thing Netanyahu and the Israel government say is a lie just ignore them

6 months ago

Impeachment he is destroying our country

6 months ago

She never says anything

6 months ago

Biden = Titanic (full speed ahead dam the ice bergs )

6 months ago

Huckabee is wrong, and didn't mention anything specific that Biden is doing wrong. In fact, we currently have:

–Record low unemployment rates 
–Stock market near record highs 
–Americans have more wealth than ever

All of this is according to data, and not a claim that "Everything is great!"

6 months ago

Joe Biden is fequal matter. He's severely incompetent and needs impeached today.

6 months ago

They got away with cheating last time. This time will be the ultimate CHEAT!!

6 months ago

Cardona needs to be as far from education as he can be put. What an idiot!