Biden’s Education Secretary Flubs Ronald Reagan’s Iconic Quote about Government Assistance #briefVideos

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President Joe Biden’s pick for Education Secretary, Miguel Cardona, made headlines recently for a speech in which he paraphrased Ronald Reagan’s famous line about government’s role in helping Americans. However, Cardona’s version of the quote has caused some controversy and backlash from Reagan supporters.

During a virtual event hosted by the Department of Education, Cardona stated, “As President Reagan once said, ‘The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’ I’m here to help.” This paraphrasing of Reagan’s iconic line, which originally read, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help,” has drawn criticism from some conservatives who view the alteration as an attempt to twist Reagan’s message.

Reagan’s quote has been widely interpreted as a critique of big government and its potential to overreach and intervene in citizens’ lives. However, Cardona’s use of the phrase in the context of his role as Education Secretary suggests a different interpretation. By stating, “I’m here to help,” Cardona appears to be emphasizing the government’s ability to provide assistance and support to the American people, particularly in the realm of education.

This controversy underscores the ongoing debate over the role of government in society and the differing perspectives on the extent to which it should be involved in citizens’ lives. As the Biden administration seeks to implement its policy agenda, including significant investments in education, the clash over Cardona’s use of Reagan’s line reflects the deep ideological divisions that continue to shape political discourse in the United States.

In response to the criticism, Cardona’s supporters have defended his remarks, arguing that they reflect a positive and proactive approach to governance, particularly in addressing the challenges facing the education system. They point to the Biden administration’s commitment to expanding access to quality education and addressing disparities in the educational opportunities available to students across the country.

As Miguel Cardona assumes his role as Education Secretary, it is clear that his comments on the government’s role in providing assistance will continue to generate debate and controversy. This episode serves as a reminder of the enduring influence of Ronald Reagan’s philosophy on government and the ongoing relevance of his ideas in shaping the political landscape. It also highlights the ongoing tension between different visions of the role of government in society and the competing interpretations of its capacity to support and serve the American people.

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6 months ago

Government is the #1 biggest problem facing the people of the United States.

6 months ago

Secretary of EDUCATION failed to do his homework

6 months ago

So Look this is the American maria
This Can"t of like as Reagan they only the nam off this payles to ok so
They don't know about to this
Conuterys to and also they ne bar Worry about this Americans peoples life as to maria so this Can"t of peoples as just waiting the Americans money and also waiting the Americans peoples texs money to use him srilaf to ok

6 months ago

So Look this maria this paysan as to
Want to gowing to the jail maria bicous this men Raigan as to Desitroed this Countrys to ok bicous of this peoples as ne bar Worry about this Americans peoples life to maria

6 months ago

This administration is doing everything it can to change history. And it's not to our advantage.

6 months ago

He paused for a response. He didn’t get one.

6 months ago

Miguel Cardona…wow, how embarrasing.🤪
These dems are so used to saying crap all the time and getting away w/it that they don't know when to stop.

6 months ago

Wish he would quote Argentine president Milei… Leftist and socialists are sh!t. His words not mine. I just happen to agree.

6 months ago

Re re re re tard

6 months ago

There should be a law against public officials, lying to the public

6 months ago

Santa Maria

6 months ago

We need to take our country back folks!

6 months ago

This way of BRAIN WASHING PEOPLE Is Disgusting Disrespectful and Shameful.
Ronald Regan said, “the 9 most TERRIFYING words ARE: “We’re from government and we are here to help.”

6 months ago

We in Hawaii are finding out you have to help yourself. Government help has turned out lazy people. No one wants to work. Have jobs opening and no one applies. Those of us who are working are tired of picking up the slack.

6 months ago

Bunch of uneducated hypocrites

6 months ago

Thats more than a misquote. That's a straight up lie.

6 months ago

His mind is a terrible thing

6 months ago

Like most of the Biden administration this man is not qualified to be in the position he holds …

6 months ago

Cardona And mayorca are my nuts

6 months ago

Another fake gov official. Of course a Latino Bozo was picked cuz projections show we'll be stuck educating about the slowest race mentally and certainly the top most vile group sneaking into our home country.