Biden’s unelectability is causing fear among Democrats – Varney #shorts

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In recent weeks, there has been a growing concern among Democrats about the unelectability of their frontrunner, Joe Biden. Political commentator, Varney, has been vocal about this issue, highlighting the fear and uncertainty within the Democratic Party.

As the 2020 presidential election approaches, Democrats are becoming increasingly worried about their chances of defeating Donald Trump. Joe Biden, the former Vice President, has been leading in the polls, but there are serious concerns about his ability to win in a general election.

Varney has pointed out that Biden’s track record and public gaffes have raised doubts about his electability. There are worries that his stances on certain issues, such as healthcare and immigration, may not resonate with the broader electorate. Additionally, his age and perceived lack of vigor have been a cause for concern, especially when compared to the energy and enthusiasm of other Democratic candidates.

The unease surrounding Biden’s candidacy has been compounded by the rise of more progressive candidates, such as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Varney has noted that these candidates have been gaining momentum and attracting passionate supporters, which has further eroded confidence in Biden’s electability.

The recent impeachment inquiry into President Trump has also added to the anxiety within the Democratic Party. Some fear that the intense focus on impeachment may overshadow the Democratic candidates and their policy proposals, ultimately hurting their chances in the general election.

Despite these concerns, Varney has emphasized that it is still early in the election cycle, and anything can happen. Democrats are hoping that Biden can overcome the doubts and ultimately prove himself to be a strong and viable candidate. However, the unease surrounding Biden’s electability remains a significant issue for the Democratic Party as they look ahead to the 2020 election.

In conclusion, Varney has been vocal about the fears and uncertainties surrounding Joe Biden’s electability, and how it is impacting the Democratic Party. As the 2020 election approaches, the Democrats are hoping to address these concerns and rally behind a candidate who can effectively challenge Donald Trump. Only time will tell how this issue will ultimately play out in the race for the White House.

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6 months ago

Impeach Biden

6 months ago

If polls are so trusted, why do we need an election ? The next president is clear.

6 months ago

He won't show up

6 months ago

Only the most hardcore indoctrinated ignore the pain that their families endure , how empty their wallet is and how hateful/stupid Joe Biden is … 😞🇺🇸😞

6 months ago

Donald Trump will win for the third 2024 .

6 months ago

Nothings going to happen to the Hunter Biden crime syndicate, the big guy will pardon him as soon as it’s clear

6 months ago

People are waking up and Finding out Biden s real agenda

6 months ago

Yeah. I Expect, 'Congress to step up on this one… This is contempt of Congress! Rightfully don't care who you are! You don't get to pick the classroom, you are, being integrated in, buy Congress…

What A lot of people don't understand,
When you're on the house floor, each Congress member only has *5 minutes of questions. That's including the petitioner or witnesses response.

Behind closed door meetings, Congress members have *No time limit, when they are questioning the petitioner or witness.
And also no restrictions of what they can show when it comes to physical evidence. Whether or not, they have a closed door meeting, they will still have a house floor testimony…

This is why Hunter Biden does *Not want a closed door meeting…
Too much time in litigation, can speak volumes. You can't get much out in 5 minutes! I've been watching this for a Long time on the house floor. Way before the impeachment inquiry. This is an International mess!!! There are lots of cover-ups! I expect to see a Domino effect. Or I predict World War 3 will be on our grounds so this won't come to play out. O'Bidens, It's that creepy!

6 months ago

Nothing will happen to him or his crooked dad.

6 months ago


6 months ago

All politicians should only be allowed 2 terms and no benefits after office, serve your country
Not your wallet

6 months ago

It needs to be in public. If it's behind closed doors, Republicans will mislead us a usual. Let it air in the light of day.

6 months ago

Unlike Trump Biden wont step aside !

6 months ago

Like father like son….sacks of 💩!!!!!

6 months ago


6 months ago

That's hilarious contempt of congress oh no oh what are we gonna do hilarious

6 months ago

Will democrats rally around a corrupt president?…we shall see!

6 months ago

He did that to himself. Plus threw the US under the bus. Broken and Broke. No pitty here. 🤬🖕🖕🖕👹👹👹

6 months ago

It is amusing that "senior" democrats believe its all Joe Biden, that its HIM that makes their party unpopular. While its true, hes a TERRIBLE candidate & can barely communicate, its his EVEN WORSE policies, hurting all working Americans, that are the reason for his poll numbers.

6 months ago

MAGA whining fox channel how about some cheese whit it