Binding Forms in Vue.js: A Vue.js Series on Frontend Web Development

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Form Binding in Vue.js

Form Binding in Vue.js

Form binding is a key feature in Vue.js that allows you to create two-way data binding between form inputs and the underlying data model. This makes it easy to handle user input and update the data model in real-time.

Here’s a simple example of form binding in Vue.js:

{{ message }}

new Vue({
el: ‘#app’,
data: {
message: ”

In this example, we have a input field that is bound to the “message” property in the Vue instance using the “v-model” directive. This means that any changes made to the input field will automatically update the “message” property and vice versa.

Form binding in Vue.js is not limited to text inputs. You can also bind checkboxes, radio buttons, and select dropdowns to the data model using the “v-model” directive.

Form validation is also made simple with form binding in Vue.js. You can easily add custom validation logic and error messages to your form inputs based on the data model state.

Overall, form binding in Vue.js is a powerful feature that simplifies the process of handling user input and updating the data model. It is a key aspect of building dynamic and interactive web applications with Vue.js.