‘BLM Leader Calls Out Democrats and Endorses Trump: I Stump for Trump’

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As the November 2020 election draws closer, the political landscape in the United States continues to shift and evolve. One recent development that has caught the attention of many is the endorsement of President Donald Trump by a prominent member of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Hawk Newsome, the leader of the Greater New York chapter of Black Lives Matter, made headlines when he announced his support for President Trump and his re-election campaign. This unexpected endorsement has sparked a heated debate within the BLM movement and the political sphere at large.

In a recent interview, Newsome explained his decision to back the president, citing Trump’s willingness to engage with the BLM movement and his administration’s efforts to address criminal justice reform. He stated, “Democrats have long taken our votes for granted. It is time for us to send a message that we are not beholden to any party.”

Newsome’s endorsement of Trump has drawn mixed reactions from within the BLM movement and the Democratic Party. Some view it as a betrayal of the movement’s core principles, while others see it as a bold and necessary move to hold both parties accountable for their actions. Newsome’s stance has also sparked a larger conversation about the relationship between the BLM movement and the political establishment.

This endorsement comes at a time when the BLM movement is facing criticism and scrutiny from both the left and the right. Some have accused the movement of being too closely aligned with the Democratic Party, while others have labeled it as a radical and divisive force within American politics. Newsome’s endorsement of Trump challenges these narratives, highlighting the complexity and diversity of opinions within the BLM movement.

Newsome’s decision to “stump for Trump” reflects the growing disillusionment among some members of the Black community with the Democratic Party and the political status quo. The endorsement is a reminder that Black voters are not a monolithic bloc and that there is a diversity of opinions and priorities within the community. It also highlights the need for politicians and political parties to engage with these issues and address the concerns of all voters, rather than taking their support for granted.

The endorsement has also reignited the debate about how political movements interact with the electoral process. While some view Newsome’s endorsement as a necessary strategic move to leverage political power, others see it as a betrayal of the movement’s principles. The endorsement raises questions about the role of protest movements within the political system and the challenges they face in advocating for change.

With the election rapidly approaching, the endorsement from a BLM leader adds an unexpected twist to an already tumultuous political landscape. It challenges traditional assumptions about political loyalty and highlights the importance of engaging with diverse perspectives within the Black community. As the debate rages on, one thing is clear: the endorsement of President Trump by a BLM leader is a powerful statement that demands attention and reflection from all sides.

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6 months ago

The hypocrisy of BLM …

6 months ago

It’s about saving our country. Biden is compromised

6 months ago

Finally waking up

6 months ago

GO TRUMP 👍🏻🇺🇸👍🏻

6 months ago

The democrat party only ever truly viewed black people/voters as a tool in which to stay in power.
Look all the way back to just after the ending of the Civil War. All these now freed black people, so many couldn’t read or write, had an influx of them into cities were you had politicians scratching their chins pondering along the lines of ”Hmm, if we give them trinkets, clothe and feed them, and they will cheer for us, become loyal to us, and in turn vote for us. Turn dependency in our favor. We will bribe them, and they will never know it. We will bridle them, and they will love us for it.”
Look at how the left/democrats treat people like Candice Owen’s, Ben Carson, Leo Terrell n so fourth, very educated and intelligent black people who no longer serve the leftist overlords and they’re treated with overt distain and contempt.
The Dems are finally starting to lose their 150+ year old hold over an entire people, and it’s very cool to watch and see, in real time, the fear of losing such a massive asset gripping them tightly.

6 months ago

Oh, so now you want Trump? Sorry but you made your bed now lay in it. When it comes to money weak people will heard to money to make themselves better, but we need people with Values rather than money and who won't get a hand out. If Trump wants people with money on their mind for a vote, count me out. "Racist policies"? keep that to the Democrats, and stay with them to further your false narritive.

6 months ago

Trump is the best of the best!

6 months ago

We been trying to tell you !!! Nobody wanted to listen to us you called us racist!! I will say this better late then never!! Trumpb2024

6 months ago

Its about friggin time!!

6 months ago

Trump is the founder of BLM

6 months ago

Trump had a policy to support the black community

6 months ago

Finally those people got some brain and moved from the left to the right !

6 months ago

It's very sad when someone who had such influence hated Trump BLINDLY 😢

6 months ago

I love it when people are smart enough to look at data and come up with their own opinion!! Great job sir!

6 months ago


6 months ago

Rhode Island?

6 months ago

I can’t wait for these next few years
We going to have Donald trump as president and grand theft auto can’t beat that

6 months ago

I'm glad to see more people realizing all the garbage these people are slinging!! I truly hope we can all pull together and bring the right people in to straighten our country out before it's gone to far!!!!

6 months ago

i love president trump also fam trump has gotten all my fam who got felonies they are all working because of trump God bless my president trump

6 months ago

Blonde Orange keep throwing a fit like a big Baby Huey. He already got arrested and taken to court, he needs to go back to hosting The Apprentice and move on with his life. Mr. Magoo doesn't know what he is doing, the fell down three times and needed a history lesson on how to run a country. He reminds of Calab Warrens from the 2016 movie, The Purge: Election Year. What this country really needs much younger 30-40-year-old Presidents, not these old people who need to keep taking pills to keep themselves awake. They need the vote from the small town of Mayberry in South Carolina. Although I don't think that Andy Taylor and Barney Fife will vote for Trump again, but Otis Campbell might. What people should be more concerned about is the 2028 Election Race, that is four years away.