
Boost Your Productivity as a .NET Developer with Sam Basu 🚀

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.NET Developer Productivity 🚀 – Sam Basu

.NET Developer Productivity 🚀 – Sam Basu

Being a .NET developer comes with its own set of challenges, from keeping up with the latest technologies to meeting project deadlines. However, there are several tools and techniques that can help improve productivity and streamline the development process.

Visual Studio

One of the most popular IDEs for .NET development, Visual Studio offers a wide range of features to help developers be more productive. From code refactoring tools to integrated debugging capabilities, Visual Studio can save developers time and effort.


Resharper is a popular productivity tool for .NET developers that provides code suggestions, refactoring tools, and code analysis capabilities. With Resharper, developers can write cleaner code and catch potential bugs early in the development process.


Git is a version control system that can help developers collaborate on projects more efficiently. With Git, developers can track changes to code, revert to previous versions, and merge code changes from multiple developers seamlessly.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight IDE that is gaining popularity among .NET developers. With support for multiple languages, extensions, and a powerful debugger, Visual Studio Code can help developers be more productive without sacrificing performance.

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is a set of tools and services that can help .NET developers manage their projects more efficiently. From source control to continuous integration and deployment, Azure DevOps offers everything developers need to streamline the development process.


By using the right tools and techniques, .NET developers can improve their productivity and deliver high-quality code faster. Whether it’s using Visual Studio for development, Resharper for code analysis, or Azure DevOps for project management, there are plenty of options available to help developers be more productive.

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2 months ago

12:04 Headliner Sam Basu begins presentation.