Border guard unit in Ukraine use grenade launchers and machine guns to eliminate Russian troops in Donbas region.

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Ukraine Border Guard Unit Eliminates Russian Troops with Grenade Launchers and Machine Guns in Donbas

In a recent and intense clash in the Donbas region, Ukraine’s border guard unit successfully eliminated Russian troops using grenade launchers and machine guns. The skirmish occurred near the border with Russia, where tensions have been high for several years.

The Ukrainian border guard unit has been on high alert in the Donbas region, as it has been a hotspot for conflict between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces. The area has seen numerous violations of the ceasefire agreement, and the presence of Russian troops has only added to the volatility.

In this particular confrontation, the Ukrainian border guard unit engaged in a firefight with the Russian troops, who were heavily armed and well-equipped. Despite the odds, the Ukrainian forces displayed remarkable courage and combat skills, utilizing grenade launchers and machine guns to effectively neutralize the threat.

This successful operation showcases the determination and resilience of the Ukrainian border guard unit in defending their country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It also demonstrates their ability to effectively engage and eliminate hostile forces, even those backed by a powerful adversary.

Ukraine has long been in conflict with Russia over the annexation of Crimea and the ongoing support of separatist movements in eastern Ukraine. The recent clash in the Donbas region is a stark reminder of the ongoing tensions between the two countries, and the continued need for vigilance and preparedness on the part of the Ukrainian military and border guard forces.

The Ukrainian government has condemned the presence of Russian troops in the Donbas region and has called for an end to the aggression and occupation of Ukrainian territory. The successful elimination of Russian troops by the border guard unit is a powerful message to Russia that Ukraine stands ready to defend its borders and will not back down in the face of aggression.

As the situation in the Donbas region remains volatile and unpredictable, it is imperative for the international community to support Ukraine in its efforts to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The recent clash serves as a reminder of the ongoing threat posed by Russian aggression and the need for a unified and resolute response from the global community.

In conclusion, the Ukrainian border guard unit’s successful elimination of Russian troops in the Donbas region is a testament to their bravery and determination. It also underscores the ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia, and the need for continued vigilance and preparedness in the face of aggression. The international community must stand with Ukraine in its efforts to defend its borders and uphold its sovereignty.

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6 months ago

Avdiivka – everything: Soldiers are fleeing, Zaluzhny is under escort
Russian troops broke the resistance of the ukrainian army in Avdiivka. Ukrainian soldiers are retreating, abandoning equipment. At this time, Commander-in-chief Zaluzhny is sitting under guard, fearing an assassination attempt.

6 months ago

If an entity who has sworn to kill you and who has a gun, starts slowly getting closer and closer to you(or your border), when are you allowed to defend yourself?
And how many illegal invasions is the US involved in right now across the world? Why do ppl support a system that wants them depopulated? Just get ur darn vaccines already so the rest of us can live in peace

6 months ago

❤ 🇷🇺

6 months ago


6 months ago

The trash end of the British media are shamefully turning this conflict into little more than a video war game with the constant stream of videos that they somehow acquire.. 🤨

6 months ago

Гасите бандеровцев !

6 months ago

Slava ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🙏🏼🇺🇦🙏🏼🇺🇦🙏🏼🇺🇦🙏🏼

6 months ago

The Ukrainian Nazis are a lost the War. Stop spreading your propaganda.

6 months ago

Russia still having a hard time with this war. If you can't take over Ukraine, Russia. Just go home.

6 months ago

Why Ukaraine an russia not understand its all game america pleas guys dont fighter

6 months ago

Not a American MRAP But Turkish MRAP !!

6 months ago

Go Traore! Go Malema! Go Africa! 🌍🇷🇺 Z 🇷🇺 Go Russia! 🇷🇺 Z 🇷🇺 Go Putin! 🇷🇺 Z 🇷🇺 Go BRICS!🧱🇷🇺 Z 🇷🇺 URRAA! 🇷🇺 Z 🇷🇺 NO MERCY!

6 months ago

Не будите Украину, пусть досмотрит…
Сладкий сон про от России репарации…
Счастья будет столько- Днепр наполнит ..
(Только б не случилась менструация…)
Будет Путин миллиарды долларов
Отдавать сто лет чубатой нации
Украину ждёт победа скорая…
(Только б не настала менструация..)
Потому что, если вдруг проснется
Украина , то почувствует прострацию…
И холодный душ такой прольётся,
Не наступит точно менструация!!!😅

6 months ago

Thank you for the short yet sweet report!

6 months ago

Хлопці вигерої,непереможні!

6 months ago


6 months ago

The wife of the head of the Ukrainian military intelligence service was poisoned. This happened after a loyal zaluzhny collaborator was eliminated with a gift grenade. The Ukrainian regime is imploding

6 months ago

These videos are pointless prove nothing. I’m all for Ukraine but these videos are just wasting everyone time

6 months ago


6 months ago

War is now in end game