Bottle containing smoke experiment | Indian hacker’s shortcut

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Smoke in a Bottle Experiment

Smoke in a Bottle Experiment

Have you ever wondered how to create smoke in a bottle? It’s a fun and easy experiment that you can try at home with just a few simple ingredients. Here’s how you can do it:

Materials needed:

  • A plastic bottle with a cap
  • Alcohol or rubbing alcohol
  • A match or lighter


  1. Fill the bottom of the plastic bottle with a small amount of alcohol.
  2. Swirl the bottle around to coat the inside with the alcohol.
  3. Hold the bottle in an upright position and carefully light a match or lighter.
  4. Quickly place the flame near the opening of the bottle, but do not let the flame touch the alcohol.
  5. Screw the cap onto the bottle tightly.
  6. Wait a few seconds for the flame to go out and then remove the cap.
  7. You should now see smoke swirling inside the bottle!

This experiment works because the alcohol vaporizes quickly when exposed to heat, creating a cloud of smoke inside the bottle. It’s a simple but impressive demonstration that you can show to your friends and family.

Remember to always be cautious when working with fire and flammable materials. Do not attempt this experiment without adult supervision.

Have fun trying out this smoke in a bottle experiment and impressing everyone with your science skills!

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