Breaking a glass bottle with your finger: A quick guide #shorts #short #glass #break

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How to Break a Glass Bottle with Your Finger

#Shorts – How to Break a Glass Bottle with Your Finger

Breaking a glass bottle with your finger may seem like a daunting task, but with the right technique and precaution, it can be done safely and effectively. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Choose a glass bottle that is empty and has no cracks or chips on its surface. Make sure to wear protective gloves to avoid any injuries.
  2. Hold the bottle firmly in one hand, with the neck pointing towards the ground.
  3. Locate a hard surface such as a concrete floor or a solid piece of wood to strike the bottle against.
  4. Position the middle finger of your other hand against the bottom edge of the bottle, just below the base.
  5. Apply firm pressure with your finger while simultaneously striking the top of the bottle against the hard surface in a quick and controlled motion.
  6. The combination of the pressure from your finger and the impact from the striking motion should cause the bottle to break cleanly along the line of pressure.
  7. Be sure to dispose of the broken glass safely and responsibly, using gloves or a broom to clean up any shards that may have scattered.

Remember, always exercise caution when handling glass bottles and be mindful of the potential risks involved in breaking them. With practice and precision, you can successfully break a glass bottle with your finger like a pro!

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2 months ago

Well it's not everyday I see something completely new.

2 months ago


2 months ago
