Breaking Down the 2023 Survey Results on the State of Javascript

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The State Of Javascript – 2023 Survey Breakdown

The State Of Javascript – 2023 Survey Breakdown

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and is constantly evolving. With the release of new frameworks, tools, and libraries, it’s important to understand the state of JavaScript in the industry. The State Of Javascript survey is conducted annually to gather insights and trends in the JavaScript community.

Key Findings

The 2023 survey has revealed some interesting findings about the current state of JavaScript. Here are some key takeaways:

  • React continues to be the most popular JavaScript framework, with a majority of respondents using it in their projects.
  • TypeScript adoption has seen a significant increase, with more developers using it as their primary language for web development.
  • Node.js remains a top choice for backend development, with a large number of developers using it for building server-side applications.
  • Vue.js has gained traction and has become a strong contender in the front-end framework space.
  • GraphQL has also seen increased adoption, with more developers using it to build efficient APIs.

Challenges and Opportunities

While JavaScript continues to dominate the web development landscape, there are also various challenges and opportunities that the community faces:

  1. Performance optimization: With the increasing complexity of web applications, there is a growing need for better performance optimization techniques.
  2. Security concerns: As the use of JavaScript grows, there is a need for better security practices to protect against vulnerabilities and attacks.
  3. Accessibility: Ensuring that web applications are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, remains a challenge for developers.
  4. Integration with new technologies: The JavaScript community needs to adapt to new technologies such as WebAssembly, AI, and blockchain.

Future Outlook

The future of JavaScript looks promising, with continued innovation and growth in the ecosystem. With the release of new features in ECMAScript and the development of new tools and frameworks, JavaScript is set to remain a dominant force in web development.

Overall, the 2023 State Of Javascript survey provides valuable insights into the current state of the language and the direction it is headed. It’s clear that JavaScript will continue to evolve and play a critical role in shaping the future of web development.

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6 months ago

the people who don't like electron are not the devs, they are the end users… electron is probably amazing as a dev. I absolutely hate it as an end user.

6 months ago

Luxon is the actual successor of moment (built by the same team) built on top of the Intl class for a lot of the localizations stuff that makes the other date libs overly large.

6 months ago

I don't know, maybe it's not a good idea to be happy about scrolling through the "other languages" section and only knowing two of them. If you pick up some more and spend some real time in them, it'll broaden your horizons and make you less blinkered into the JS-for-everything world.

6 months ago

Great walkthrough and interesting comments on each tool.👍

6 months ago

Huge disappointment that the survey was mostly focused on frontend. I think Node.js evolved a lot. While Java and C# might still be better in many aspects for business backend applications, I think Node.js has many advantages too. Sad to see you're not a fan of NestJS framework, I think it's great for building small API for your frontend, especially a PoC or MVP. I've worked with companies having C#, Java, Go, Python and Node.js teams, and Node.js (mostly NestJS) teams were fastest to develop changes while keeping good reliability level. There is this saying, that "what can be implemented in JavaScript, will eventually be implemented in JavaScript", and I think it still holds true.

6 months ago

Great video, some new tool that i dont know 🙂 BUT some that you are using I using too hahaha 🙂

6 months ago

Talking about native, have Theo ever checked out Compose especially Compose Multiplatform?

6 months ago

I'm in the react world and use nx, I love it. I keep meaning to try out turbo to compare, but I started with nx and it's become a staple of my stack

6 months ago

Not sure why web components get so much hate from him

6 months ago

great vid

6 months ago

Storybook has evolved quite a lot over these years. It's quite fast (1st class vite support) and you can use it with Next.js (and SWC)

6 months ago

I don't hate the Electron Concept but the Electron Reality. Most apps are bad websites to begin with stuffed into the Electron box badly adapted. Everything uses a different version, which cannibalize each others dependencies. Discord and thier wired patches. Etc.

6 months ago

Your take on Quasar is ignorant. For someone who takes pride in understanding the ecosystem ignoring quasar is a huge mistake, especially since it has 0 alternatives in react and any other framework out there. Even just scrolling through their documentation should be enough to deserve more than “I don’t care” status. Shoutout to razvan – one of the most talented and productive devs I’ve seen.

6 months ago

Would be great to hear your takes on video on the web! WebRTC and all that stuff

6 months ago

The reason to use Yup, rather than Zod, is that Zod is super painful the moment you have fields that depend on each other, which is often when validating forms. You can work around it with `refine`, but it forces you to split the validation into very awkward steps, and the user will not get any errors from your refinements until the whole "base validation" is good, which is terrible UX.

I trust the types of Yup a lot less than Zod, but the `.when()` feature of Yup is essential for forms where anything depends on anything.

So, in our project, we use both libraries. Yup for validating forms, and Zod for everything else like validating API responses, configuration, data in local storage, etc.

6 months ago

57:00 Don't forget to give a shoutout to Poimandres at some point (make a video about them as well)!

6 months ago


U don't need rust for basic things like:
window-creation & communication,

The tauri-js api's for these things are very decent

And for more advanced things on the system u would prefer having a different lang anyways

6 months ago

My like was number 666 :O

6 months ago

I love Nest

6 months ago

No Kevin Powell mentions? sadge