Breastfeeding Baby Benefits from Paced Bottle Feeding

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Paced bottle feeding is a technique used to mimic the breastfeeding experience for breastfed babies while they are given a bottle of expressed milk. This technique can help prevent babies from developing a preference for the bottle over the breast and can also help prevent overfeeding and issues with gas and spitting up.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to pace bottle feed your breastfed baby:

1. Choose the right bottle and nipple: When selecting a bottle and nipple for paced bottle feeding, it’s important to choose a slow-flow nipple to mimic the slow flow of breastmilk from the breast. Avoid using bottles with a wide nipple as it can cause the baby to gulp down the milk quickly. Instead, opt for a bottle with a narrow or standard nipple that requires the baby to suckle similar to breastfeeding.

2. Hold the baby in an upright position: Just like when breastfeeding, make sure to hold your baby in an upright position during bottle feeding. This helps prevent air from being swallowed, which can lead to gas and discomfort.

3. Allow the baby to root and initiate feeding: Before offering the bottle, let the baby root and show signs of hunger. This helps mimic the breastfeeding experience where the baby initiates feeding.

4. Tilt the bottle horizontally: Hold the bottle horizontally to slow down the flow of milk and allow the baby to pace their feeding. This also helps prevent the baby from taking in too much milk too quickly.

5. Keep the bottle parallel to the baby’s mouth: Position the bottle so that the milk only fills the nipple, keeping it parallel to the baby’s mouth. This encourages the baby to suckle and work for the milk, just like during breastfeeding.

6. Take breaks: Pause during the feeding to give the baby a chance to catch their breath and sense when they are full. This also allows the baby to regulate their intake and prevent overfeeding.

7. Burp the baby: After the feeding, make sure to burp the baby to release any trapped air. This can help prevent gas and discomfort.

8. Observe satiety cues: Pay attention to the baby’s cues of fullness, such as turning their head away from the bottle, closing their mouth, or becoming less interested in feeding. This helps prevent overfeeding and ensures that the baby is able to regulate their intake.

9. Practice paced bottle feeding consistently: To help prevent nipple confusion and maintain breastfeeding success, it’s important to practice paced bottle feeding consistently. This helps the baby to transition between breast and bottle without developing a preference for one over the other.

In conclusion, paced bottle feeding is a great technique to help breastfed babies receive expressed milk while mimicking the breastfeeding experience. By following these steps and practicing paced bottle feeding consistently, you can help ensure a smooth transition between breast and bottle for your baby.

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1 month ago

the baby is a cutie pie.

1 month ago

Ask permission to feed. Lol what an idiot 😡

1 month ago

Mom, don't let people guilt you for using a bottle. Breastfeeding in the modern world is labor intensive. We don't have groups of women to cobreasfeed our children like the old days.

1 month ago

Vielleicht hätten auf diese Weise auch meine Stillbabys eine Flasche akzeptiert.

1 month ago

And the baby is like LESS Yack you lot MORE Milk

1 month ago

Ear infection watch out if you feed this way

1 month ago

She's beautiful!!!!!

1 month ago

Did you seriously just say that you need to ask permission?? 😂

1 month ago

Baby feetz are the cutest things in the whole world!! 😀

1 month ago

Pp jelek

1 month ago

What a beautiful baby!!! Such a sweetheart ❤

1 month ago

Малка сладка мамина душичка !
Изпращам прегръдки и целувки за здраве и късмет чак от България !❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

1 month ago

“So you wanna ask permission”…😁😆😆🤣🤣 smfh

1 month ago

It's super cute to see such a helpless baby sucking on the bottle so well and with so much interest🍼. He's in your hands, take good care of him. He's so precious!!🤍

1 month ago

Ask permission? from a newborn? Permission for what?…. My God This world has gone completely ‘crazy’! Just put the bottle in the baby’s mouth and the baby will do the rest, what’s all this stuff you are on about! Dear o dear!

1 month ago

Mettetelo più comodo

1 month ago

I’m sorry but did you just say “we need to ask permission”?! WTAF. How do you ask an infant for PERMISSION?! Seriously? You lose credibility when you say something dumb like that. LOL

1 month ago

We were always told to make sure there is no air going in to reduce chance of colic. I’m not sure how you can do both? Also, the baby feeds and pulls almost all day with on demand feeding. They become exhausted. I like the thought of giving them an easy meal.

1 month ago


1 month ago

She is perfect. Beautiful baby girl