British-Palestinian Doctor from Gaza, Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah, Shares His Thoughts with MEE

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Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah, a British-Palestinian doctor from Gaza, has recently spoken to Middle East Eye (MEE) about his experiences and the challenges facing Gaza’s healthcare system.

Dr Abu Sittah, who is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, shared his insights into the difficulties of working in Gaza, which has been under a blockade for over a decade. He highlighted the severe shortage of medical supplies and equipment, as well as the impact of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the health of the population.

In the interview with MEE, Dr Abu Sittah described the devastating effects of the blockade on the healthcare system in Gaza, where hospitals and medical facilities are struggling to cope with the overwhelming demand for services. He explained that the lack of essential medical supplies and equipment has led to a decline in the quality of care for patients, many of whom are in urgent need of treatment.

Dr Abu Sittah also spoke about the challenges of providing healthcare in a conflict zone, where medical personnel are often targeted and hospitals are frequently damaged or destroyed. He emphasized the urgent need for the international community to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and provide support to the healthcare system.

In addition to his work as a surgeon, Dr Abu Sittah is also involved in medical research and advocacy efforts to raise awareness about the healthcare crisis in Gaza. He has been a vocal advocate for the rights of Palestinians and has called for an end to the blockade and the lifting of restrictions on medical supplies to Gaza.

Dr Abu Sittah’s work and advocacy efforts have garnered international attention, and his insights into the challenges facing Gaza’s healthcare system are crucial for understanding the impact of the ongoing conflict on the health and well-being of the population.

As a British-Palestinian doctor with firsthand experience of the healthcare crisis in Gaza, Dr Abu Sittah’s perspective is invaluable in raising awareness and advocating for the urgent need to address the healthcare needs of the population. His commitment to providing medical care and support to those in need in Gaza is a testament to his dedication and determination to make a difference in the face of adversity.

Overall, Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah’s interview with MEE sheds light on the critical healthcare issues facing Gaza and the urgent need for international support to address the humanitarian crisis. His insights and advocacy efforts are essential for raising awareness and mobilizing action to improve the healthcare situation in Gaza.

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6 months ago

So so sad

6 months ago

Three killed, 6 injured in terror shooting at Jerusalem entrance bus stop

Two Hamas gunmen shot dead at scene; slain victims identified as Livia Dickman, 24, rabbinical judge Elimelech Wasserman, 73, and Hannah Ifergan, in her 60s

6 months ago

💔💔💔💔💔justice for the innocent victims of this war.

6 months ago

The physical and mental exhaustion on this doctor's face. Surgeons are hardy people, they dont get tired or disturbed easily. He has been through so much.

6 months ago

You dont have British values.Why you live in Britain?Why are you fishing for regognisition and attention?.

6 months ago

How the hell can you be British Palestinian? You are one or the other

6 months ago

Netanyahu is a criminal his time will come!

6 months ago

Of all the leaders in the world come together, this genocide can be stopped.

6 months ago

I have rarely seen doctors cry. When i see Dr. Sittha cry, it means somewhere something is very wrong.

6 months ago

Mainstream Christianity:The False Worship of a three in one or Trinity God and Islam share basic insurmountable obstacles when it comes to the claim that their God/a are true and living.Their faith is based on accurate knowledge.They enjoy global unity in the faith,understanding,interpretation

Trinitarian Christian worship is devided into 44 000 different sects with 44 000 WHOLLEY different interpretations of the Scriptures.That fact alone disqualifies Mainstream Christians as true worshippers of the true God.The Bible says:There is only one God one faith.There is definitely not one faith amongst Christians

The situation amongst Muslim religions is worse.They also have a clergy class with titles.
Their faith and understanding of their Scriptures differs from mosque to mosque from cleric to cleric and from You Tube video to You Tube video

Hence both Islam and Christianity can be compared to Babel and later Babylon.God is a God of peace and not of disorder and confusion

Islam has never been an inclusive religion.Muslims has never preached it to the nations on a global scale.Hence Islam is the tradition of forefathers carried over from generation to generation.

Both religions are bitterly and intensely embroiled in worldly affairs,in particular committing spiritual fornication with the kings of the earth

Both religions are bloodguilty.

For all the aforesaid reasons,Jehova God expressed his intention in the book of Revelation to destroy the world empire of false religion,which include Christian religions,Jewish religions,Muslim religions

All these religions and many others who claim to represent God on earth will be destroyed by the Scarlet coloured beast of Revelations.The Scarlet coloured beast of Revelations is in fact the United Nations.The counterfeit organization of God's kingdom

Revelations explains God will put it into the hearts of those UN members to carry out his thought to destroy false religion.

Christians and Muslims has done exactly what God told his worshippers not to do.They have exercised faith and trust in Kings and even voted in elections and even sacrificed their sons and daughters to armies and wars

Hence I say:"JEHOVAS Witnesses today are the only people on earth who represent the true God and who worship Jehova in truth and spirit.

6 months ago

Sign me up sir.
This has deeply jaded me. Only 2weeks ago, i felt deeply sorry for the Jews from the genocide they experienced during the holocoust. THAT was indeed brutal and inhumane.
Now, here in 2023, to witness Isreal doing onto others what was ince done to them…. isnt only ironic.
It is deeply confusing and APPALLING.
Then i discovered… this has been going on for decades.
I DO remember years back when they actually bombed schools filled with children.

Now… Im completly APPALED at their sick twisted arrogant "excuses" to wreak havoc and such BRUTALITY on Palestine.

There is absolutly NO JUSTIFICATION for this.

How could you? How could you?

6 months ago

i have only 1 word to described the Israeli security forces and Israeli government and Israeli governments allies past and present are cowards
And i think united nations and NATO and world's respected leaders are blind last 75 years until now And the Palestinians brave man and woman and so so cute lovely childrens facing the ongoing crimes against humanity for last 75 years and these crimes against humanity happen every day the past yesterday present today and continue. those 75 years Palestinian peoples fight for freedom and basic human rights peacefully sometimes Palestinian peoples throw stones on Israeli criminal forces . Why the Palestinian peoples throwing stone against Israeli forces. Because United nations and NATO and world's many many leaders can't help innocent Palestinian peoples. Because America is backing Israeli government past 75 years . And my English is not good enough. But i think peace don't need any languages and any words . Because peace means love peace is the way of life . But their is no peace in the world because we human beings lost our peace . Without peace humanity and our world can't survive islam means peace not a terrorist and why so so many others religions people's think Muslim are terrorist but they forget the fact we Muslim coming from you we accept Islam 1400 years ago .and non Muslims accept Islam every day and the number is growing everyday I love all mankind but I hate rapist and killers and terrorist and who does evil things . And i pray every day ya Allah please give us some peace because mankind lost peace . And I have 1 message please
(save the human)
islam means peace not a terrorist They have rights to live in this world
Like we do. And they are human like u and me. they are not aliens . United nations new report says almost 75 millions peoples are refugees in 2023
Those 75 millions peoples living the life like hell. And we can't imagine the suffering of these innocent peoples. Many of them became refugees decades ago i feel sad about what is happening in 24 years since 2001 to 2023 wars started in Afghanistan and Iraq . I feel too much pain what is happening in 24 years. And 2011 we see the Arab uprising and we see destructions of Syria Libya Yemen Lebanon Egypt Somalia sudan
South sudan Ethiopia and many countries suffering in only African countries. not finished here and all of our brother's and sister's suffering in Kashmir and china and Palestine and Myanmar and more more things happened in 2001 to 2023 and 3 years ago world is facing invisible coronavirus you can't see that but peoples die every signal day and every single hour and every single minute we lose ours love ones I feel hurt and my condolence from my deep heart who suffered in this decade. please stop all of those wars and make some peace because we lost it And please stop buying billions of dollars of weapons please buy some food for poor peoples😊

6 months ago

Hamas wants establishment of independent palestinlan state which is a fair demand..many world leaders support that demand eg saudi chaina Russia all agree that tgere should be establishment of palestinlan state…so why don't they do that isn't there any organisation that can make this happen…the whole issue will end

6 months ago

*Much love and respect to this heroic doctor. Each one of us listening to his grief over the people’s suffering, seeing this real time genocide being enacted , must do what we can to speak for Palestine and for the Gaza in our own vicinity. The suffering of Palestine has woken up many people in other countries to how imperialism works close at hand.

6 months ago

Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

6 months ago

God bless him! How many people s phisical condition could he improve or save?

6 months ago

Just wondering why Hamas decided to invade and take hostages?

6 months ago

And why are you living in England and not Gaza.

6 months ago


Stay Strong Dr
You are a Hero
May Allah Reward🎁
You For Your Help
And Kindness
You and Your Team You Tried the Best
To Help the Injured
Brothers 🇵🇸and Sisters 🇵🇸
Jazaaka Allahu
May Allah Cure those
Who are Still Sick
Ad Grant them Quick
Recovery and Good Health
Ya Rabbi,Ameen 🤲❤

6 months ago

How can your heart not break for these people?