BRNKA LIDEM: Jaké vybavení používáme k útoku? Seznam výstroje zde!! 4. brigáda rychlého nasazení!

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BRNK LIDEM is a Czech organization that specializes in quick deployment for various operations. This tutorial will cover the gear list that is used by the organization, as well as some information about the 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade.


1. Weaponry – BRNK LIDEM uses a variety of firearms for their missions, including rifles, pistols, and shotguns. These weapons are chosen for their reliability and effectiveness in combat situations. The organization also provides training for its members on how to properly handle and maintain their firearms.

2. Tactical gear – In addition to firearms, BRNK LIDEM members are equipped with tactical gear such as body armor, helmets, and tactical vests. This gear is essential for protecting members in high-risk situations and ensuring their safety during operations.

3. Communication devices – Communication is key in any operation, and BRNK LIDEM members are equipped with radios and other devices that allow them to stay in contact with each other and their command center at all times. This ensures that they can coordinate their actions effectively and respond quickly to any changing circumstances.

4. Medical supplies – In addition to weapons and tactical gear, BRNK LIDEM members also carry medical supplies such as first aid kits and tourniquets. These supplies are essential for treating injuries in the field and ensuring that members can receive immediate medical attention if necessary.

5. Night vision equipment – Many operations conducted by BRNK LIDEM take place under cover of darkness, so members are equipped with night vision goggles and other equipment that allows them to see in low-light conditions. This gear is essential for maintaining the element of surprise and ensuring the success of nighttime operations.

4th Rapid Deployment Brigade:

The 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade is a specialized unit within BRNK LIDEM that is tasked with quickly deploying to crisis situations and conducting high-risk operations. This unit consists of highly trained and skilled operatives who are capable of responding to a wide range of threats with speed and efficiency.

Members of the 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade undergo rigorous training to ensure they are prepared for any situation they may encounter. This training covers a variety of skills, including firearms proficiency, tactical maneuvers, and medical training. Members of the brigade are also required to maintain physical fitness standards so they can operate effectively in high-stress situations.

Overall, BRNK LIDEM is a highly capable organization that is well-equipped to handle a variety of missions. By providing its members with the necessary gear and training, the organization ensures that its operatives are prepared for any situation they may face. The 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade is a prime example of this readiness, with its specialized training and highly skilled operatives making it a key asset for the organization.

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2 hours ago

Video o tlumicich určitě

2 hours ago

Drop test určo ❤. I ty pistole co jste navrhli = supr. + P07 třeba,.nebo M&P a Arex

2 hours ago

Ahoj, mám otázku k tomu legionu. Je možnost na něm mít kolimátor i pevná mířidla současně nebo ne? Případně jaká je možnost. Mě osobně teda láká ve verzi xfive a nebo ten druhý v M17 X. Díky.

2 hours ago

Díky moc za představení…

2 hours ago

Video cool, tricko cool , bude zase nekdy v XLku?

2 hours ago

Supr video.urcite udělejte test spolehlivosti zbraní .díki!

2 hours ago

Drop test pistolí nedávno dělal Garand Thumb

2 hours ago

Ahoj Luke,, prosím tě co to má Michal na tom antregu za svítilnu. Diky 😉

2 hours ago

Opravdu skvělé videa co baví, srozumitelně vysvětlují, vzdělávají. Jsem pro "drop test"👍

2 hours ago

Super a díky za to co děláte. Jsem také za to vyzkoušet nějaký ten drop test. A ještě drobný postřeh v závěrečné znělce to byl záměr aby ta střelba sedla do hudby nebo to tam jen tak padlo jak ….😉. Jen tak dál a ať se vám daří jak v profesním i osobním životě. Petr.D.

2 hours ago

Ahoj Lukas, aku znacku a model mas tych slnecnych okuliarov ?

2 hours ago

Pěkné " hračky " 👍 a povídání.

2 hours ago

Když jste za celou svou kariéru nezúročili své zkušenosti, znalosti a trénink v nějaké velmi těžké situaci, tak si můžete na konci života říct, že to bylo jen pro zábavu a v podstatě k ničemu. A tím tuplem, když jsme viděli úprk z Afghánistánu. (…je to jen konstatování a nic složitého v tom nehledejte).

2 hours ago

dobrý den, kolik pálců má Antreg ? děkuji.

2 hours ago

Je dobře, že děláte tyhle videa, žádný česky content se vám nemůže rovnat. Pokud člověk, chce vědět vše o zbraních a baví tenhle styl života, musí sledovat jen content z Améru. Proto díky za to co děláte borci a těším se na další videa. Btw. moje první zbraň je taky Sig p365 xmacro a naprostá spokojenost. 💪🤘🇺🇸

2 hours ago

Alebo ako nastrelit kolimator s magniefirom,popripade ako nastr.laser👌

2 hours ago

👍! Jistě přemýšlíte nad dalšími příspěvky, mne by zajímal boj zblízka, beze zbraní a se zbraněmi chladnými. Má smysl bodák na brenu? 🤷‍♀ Díkes chlapi!

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