Build a FastAPI Project in 45 seconds: Step-by-step Guide in 6 Lines

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Create a FastAPI Project in 45 seconds: 6-Line Tutorial

Create a FastAPI Project in 45 seconds: 6-Line Tutorial

If you want to quickly create a FastAPI project, follow these six simple steps:

  1. Create a new directory for your project:
  2. mkdir my_fastapi_project

  3. Change into the new directory:
  4. cd my_fastapi_project

  5. Create a new Python file for your FastAPI app:
  6. touch

  7. Open the file in your favorite text editor and add the following code:
      from fastapi import FastAPI
      app = FastAPI()
      def read_root():
          return {"Hello": "World"}
  9. Install FastAPI and uvicorn (a lightweight ASGI server) using pip:
  10. pip install fastapi uvicorn

  11. Run the FastAPI app using uvicorn:
  12. uvicorn main:app --reload

Congratulations! You have successfully created a FastAPI project in just 45 seconds. You can now access your FastAPI app at

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