
Build a full-functional E-commerce Website with React JS | Create a complete ecommerce website using React JS

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Full Functional E-commerce Website using React JS

Full Functional E-commerce Website using React JS

React JS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and it can also be used to create full functional e-commerce websites. In this article, we will discuss how to create a complete e-commerce website using React JS.

Setting up the project

The first step is to set up the project by installing the necessary dependencies and creating the basic file structure. To do this, you can use the create-react-app package, which provides a convenient way to set up a new React project.

Building the components

Once the project is set up, you can start building the components for the e-commerce website. These components can include the header, footer, product listing, product details, cart, and checkout components. Each component will have its own functionality and styling, and they will work together to create a seamless user experience.

Handling state and data

In an e-commerce website, it is important to manage the state and handle data effectively. This can be achieved using React’s state management and the use of APIs to fetch and display product information, as well as handle user interactions such as adding items to the cart and completing a purchase.

Implementing navigation and routing

To create a smooth and intuitive browsing experience for users, it is essential to implement navigation and routing within the e-commerce website. React Router can be used to set up navigation and create different routes for the various pages of the website, such as the product listing, product details, cart, and checkout pages.

Styling the website

Finally, the e-commerce website needs to be styled to create an attractive and user-friendly interface. This can be achieved using CSS and libraries such as Bootstrap or Material-UI to create responsive and visually appealing designs.


In conclusion, creating a full functional e-commerce website using React JS involves setting up the project, building components, handling state and data, implementing navigation and routing, and styling the website. With the right tools and techniques, it is possible to create a seamless and professional e-commerce website using React JS.

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Muneeb Malik
7 months ago

Bro kindly Provides Images of this website

Quý Trần Ngọc
7 months ago

hey can you tell me where is your api in this project pls?

Wafa Meer Sahito
7 months ago

Huge shoutout for creating this web hosting tutorial! Ive examined Bluehost and DreamHost, but Cloudways with TST20 coupon is the final saver.

falonchiyev fismadonchi
7 months ago

I joined your channel. how can i download the codes

Андраник Дашян
7 months ago

Good job 🙏

Thank you, bro!

How to download media files for this project?

Shibu A
7 months ago

how to access autho0
explain please

Un Argentino que piensa
7 months ago

Does this project include a back end?

7 months ago

nice sư bro. Keep it up hé

Berkay Coskun
7 months ago

Perfect video 🙂 Especially with this kind of music the tutorial is very good

7 months ago

where we deploy this website

7 months ago

Who can create a n e-commerce app oo

7 months ago

Hello Sir,
Sir can you provide me public file with index and all.

Ali Bayram
7 months ago

making it responsive is essential part.

Ajinkya Bhosale
7 months ago

Please give the github link with images.

Mriganka Saikia
7 months ago

Can you provide all the images?

7 months ago

This is Responsive or not ? please reply

Bisma Arif
7 months ago

Bro does it has API and react router dom?

Adamu Ahmed Aliyu
7 months ago

Awesome… nice one, thanks. the source code will be very helpful because the tutorial is TOO FAST

Chamsedin Azouz
7 months ago

Good coding, but what about the section where you need to specify the @media rules in order to make the website responsive ?

Austin 2k
7 months ago

please I need to see your index.html