
Build a Fullstack React App in Just 1 Hour with AWS Amplify! 🚀

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Create a Fullstack React App with AWS Amplify: Build in Just 1 Hour! 🚀

Are you looking to build a fullstack React app quickly and easily? Look no further! With AWS Amplify, you can get up and running in just one hour. In this article, we’ll cover all the steps to build a fullstack React app with AWS Amplify, so let’s get started!

What is AWS Amplify?

AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables developers to build fullstack React applications with ease. It allows you to easily add authentication, storage, APIs, and other features to your app, all powered by AWS services.

Step 1: Set up AWS Amplify

To get started, you’ll need an AWS account. If you don’t have one already, you can sign up for a free account on the AWS website. Once you have an account, you’ll need to install the Amplify CLI. Open your terminal and run the following command:

$ npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

After the installation is complete, you’ll need to configure the Amplify CLI. Run the following command:

$ amplify configure

This will prompt you to enter your AWS access key and secret access key, which you can find in your AWS account settings. Once you’ve entered these details, you’re ready to start using AWS Amplify.

Step 2: Create a new React app

Next, let’s create a new React app. Open your terminal and run the following command:

$ npx create-react-app my-app

This will create a new directory called “my-app” with a basic React app inside. Navigate into the “my-app” directory:

$ cd my-app

Step 3: Initialize AWS Amplify

Now that we have a React app, let’s initialize Amplify. Run the following command:

$ amplify init

This will prompt you to answer a few questions about your app, such as the name and environment. Once you’ve answered these questions, Amplify will set up your app and create a new “amplify” directory in your project.

Step 4: Add authentication

Authentication is an important part of many apps. With Amplify, you can easily add authentication to your React app. Run the following command to add authentication:

$ amplify add auth

This will prompt you to choose the authentication settings for your app. You can choose from various options, such as email/password, phone number, or social media login. Once you’ve made your choices, run the following command to deploy the authentication service:

$ amplify push

Amplify will deploy the authentication service to your AWS account, and once it’s finished, you’ll have a fully functioning authentication system in your app.

Step 5: Deploy your app

Now that we have added authentication, let’s deploy our app. Run the following command:

$ amplify publish

This will build and deploy your React app to the AWS hosting service. Once it’s finished, Amplify will provide you with a URL where you can access your app.

Step 6: Add more features

Congratulations, you’ve built a fullstack React app with AWS Amplify! But why stop here? Amplify offers many other features that you can easily add to your app, such as storage, APIs, and even AI and machine learning capabilities. Check out the Amplify documentation for more information on how to add these features to your app.

With AWS Amplify, you can build powerful fullstack React apps in no time. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, Amplify makes it easy to get started and quickly develop your app. So what are you waiting for? Start building with AWS Amplify today!

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7 months ago

I finished building as you told me but I still log in and sign out! I can only see the React logo, not this one. Is there anything I missed?
1. Modifying build specifications
2. 2. ampify cli latest setting
3. Setting the staging branch
4. Creating and Setting Up IAM – Amplify-Backend Deployment
5. Build success with redistribution!

But still, the React logo..

7 months ago

Can we use nextjs instead of react here?

World of Gaming
7 months ago

Hi sir I'm facing an error in the build stage that missing frontend definition in buildspec….how to solve it please help me

Maverick Studio
7 months ago

Hi. Thanks for the video it helped me a lot to understand the process but I have a question to you. I have a simple node.js and express server that I just need to deploy and run. I have my app frontend app already working on amplify but can't figure how should I add my backend server here. It is simple server not authentication, no database. It is only scraping the date of the website. Can you advice what steps should I take? Many thanks

Alireza Darbandi
7 months ago

after days trying to figure out how backend and front end are going to connect to each other in amplify. your 1 hour saved my time.

Ryan West
7 months ago

Well when ever I try amplify con figure, I get this error message :Error fetching release: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:Usersbluem.amplifybinamplify.exe' I look in to this folder amplify/bin, and it is empty

Ranju Raveendran
7 months ago

Very helpful. Thank you 🙂

Ranju Raveendran
7 months ago

The code at 44:07
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";

import "./App.css";

import "@aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css";

import { API } from "aws-amplify";

import {









} from "@aws-amplify/ui-react";

import { listNotes } from "./graphql/queries";

import {

createNote as createNoteMutation,

deleteNote as deleteNoteMutation,

} from "./graphql/mutations";

const App = ({ signOut }) => {

const [notes, setNotes] = useState([]);

useEffect(() => {


}, []);

async function fetchNotes() {

const apiData = await API.graphql({ query: listNotes });

const notesFromAPI = apiData.data.listNotes.items;



async function createNote(event) {


const form = new FormData(event.target);

const data = {

name: form.get("name"),

description: form.get("description"),


await API.graphql({

query: createNoteMutation,

variables: { input: data },





async function deleteNote({ id }) {

const newNotes = notes.filter((note) => note.id !== id);


await API.graphql({

query: deleteNoteMutation,

variables: { input: { id } },



return (

<View className="App">

<Heading level={1}>My Notes App</Heading>

<View as="form" margin="3rem 0" onSubmit={createNote}>

<Flex direction="row" justifyContent="center">



placeholder="Note Name"

label="Note Name"







placeholder="Note Description"

label="Note Description"





<Button type="submit" variation="primary">

Create Note




<Heading level={2}>Current Notes</Heading>

<View margin="3rem 0">

{notes.map((note) => (


key={note.id || note.name}





<Text as="strong" fontWeight={700}>



<Text as="span">{note.description}</Text>

<Button variation="link" onClick={() => deleteNote(note)}>

Delete note





<Button onClick={signOut}>Sign Out</Button>




export default withAuthenticator(App);

Harshitha Chitiprolu
7 months ago

Very Helpful😄

Ubaid Raza
7 months ago

explaination very good

Ubaid Raza
7 months ago

very nice video src/graphql forlder not create

7 months ago

Any chances of showing how to use Vite + React with Amplify? There's a lot of of experts recommending not to use Create React App anymore because it's legacy and not well-maintained anymore.

Mohammed Ismail
7 months ago

great and conise explanation !

Saha Sir
7 months ago

is aws amplify free to use for pet projects like these? or they charge based on API usage?

Trust but Verify
7 months ago

This is still very code heavy. Is Amplify supposed to be low code platform?