
Build an Engaging Portfolio Using 3D Models with REACT & REACT THREE FIBER

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Create an Interactive Portfolio with 3D Models

Create an Interactive Portfolio with 3D Models

Are you looking to showcase your work in a unique and engaging way? With the power of REACT & REACT THREE FIBER, you can create an interactive portfolio with 3D models that will captivate your audience.


The first step in creating your interactive portfolio is to install REACT & REACT THREE FIBER. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

      npm install react react-dom three @react-three/fiber

Step 2: Create Your 3D Models

Once you have installed the necessary packages, you can start creating your 3D models. You can use tools like Blender or Cinema 4D to design and export your models in formats like GLTF or FBX.

Step 3: Import and Display Your Models

With your 3D models ready, you can now import and display them in your REACT app using REACT THREE FIBER. Here’s an example code snippet to get you started:

      import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber';
      import { Suspense } from 'react';
      import Model from './Model';
      const App = () => {
        return (
      export default App;

Step 4: Add Interactivity

To make your portfolio truly interactive, you can add features like camera controls, lighting effects, and animation to your 3D models. The possibilities are endless with REACT & REACT THREE FIBER!

Step 5: Deploy Your Portfolio

Once you are happy with your interactive portfolio, you can deploy it to the web using platforms like Vercel or Netlify. Share your work with the world and impress potential clients and employers!

With the power of REACT & REACT THREE FIBER, you can take your portfolio to the next level and showcase your work in a truly immersive way. Start creating your interactive portfolio today!

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2 months ago

Cool . Time code is missing.