
Build and Launch an E-commerce Website with ReactJS, Firebase, and StripeJS

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React JS Project: Build and Deploy an E-commerce Website using ReactJS, Firebase, and StripeJS

React JS Project: Build and Deploy an E-commerce Website using ReactJS, Firebase, and StripeJS

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications. In this project, we will use ReactJS to build and deploy an e-commerce website. We will also integrate Firebase for backend services and StripeJS for payment processing.

Getting Started

Before we start building the e-commerce website, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your computer. You can install them by visiting https://nodejs.org/.

Once you have Node.js and npm installed, you can create a new React project by running the following commands:

npx create-react-app my-ecommerce-website
cd my-ecommerce-website
npm start

This will create a new React project and start the development server. You can then open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the default React starter app.

Integrating Firebase

We will use Firebase for backend services such as authentication, database, and storage. To integrate Firebase into your React project, you need to create a Firebase project and obtain the configuration settings.

Once you have the configuration settings, you can install the Firebase SDK by running the following command:

npm install firebase

You can then initialize Firebase in your React project and start using its services such as authentication and database.

Integrating StripeJS

StripeJS is a popular payment processing library that allows you to accept payments on your website. To integrate StripeJS into your React project, you need to create a Stripe account and obtain the API keys.

Once you have the API keys, you can install the Stripe SDK by running the following command:

npm install @stripe/stripe-js

You can then initialize Stripe in your React project and start accepting payments using its services.

Building the E-commerce Website

Now that you have integrated Firebase and StripeJS into your React project, you can start building the e-commerce website. You can create components for the product listing, product details, shopping cart, and checkout process. You can also integrate user authentication and storage for user data and orders.

Deploying the E-commerce Website

Once you have built the e-commerce website, you can deploy it to a hosting provider such as Firebase Hosting, Netlify, or Vercel. You can follow the deployment instructions provided by the hosting provider to publish your website to the internet.


In this project, we have learned how to build and deploy an e-commerce website using ReactJS, Firebase, and StripeJS. We have integrated Firebase for backend services and StripeJS for payment processing. We have also created components for the e-commerce website and deployed it to a hosting provider. You can now share your e-commerce website with the world and start selling products online.

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Muhammad Ahsan
7 months ago

Dear Sir, it's a great learning project for me. But my Stripe payments are not working. Can you please me?

Shivam Mishra
7 months ago

How can I get the source code?
Don't worry I will pay for it if u want ?

Shivam Mishra
7 months ago

Can you please provide the source code?

Last Spoil
7 months ago

How do you find the photos for Ecommerance projects? Is there a video explaining this?

Mehedi Hasan Anik
7 months ago

where I can find the assets?

7 months ago

please make an video for responsiveness of this project

7 months ago

This is not responsive for all devices please make this responsive

Morgan  Wager
7 months ago

hey, at 26:44 how did you generate the url for banner images in array

7 months ago


Rock Rk
7 months ago


Nooman Raza
7 months ago

how did you get 3 MdOutlineClode in just one times you write

Jonas Tenora
7 months ago

Great video and i even understand that you don't wanna give out the source code but change your FONT please!!!.

tosin ibiwoye
7 months ago

What can be done to get the source code of this project?

7 months ago

anyone has the source code?'

Karen Abgaryan
7 months ago

Yeah it was helpful. But you did blunder couse you imported useDispatch from "react-router-dom". It was big mistake for you.

pankaj gupta
7 months ago

It would be a very helpful for us, if you will provide assets also or github link from where we can use them.
Great video and your way of teaching is very good.

Scarlet Rosa
7 months ago

webkitMaskImage: 'linear-gradient(to top, transparent, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1))'
at the style of the banner to make it transparent at the bottom to have a prettier transition effect

Un Known
7 months ago

did we need to provide bank details to active payment in stripe? please reply
I'm waiting

Un Known
7 months ago

sorry to say but most of the time you are copying pasting the code which is not good for beginner to follow your tutorial but this video is good.

7 months ago

Before I start following the tutorial, I want to ask, are the tools used in this vid completely free? Firebase, stripe, etc.