
Building a Basic Invoice Application with Laravel 10 and Vuejs 3: How to Create an Invoice and Incorporate Form Data and Templates

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Laravel 10 and Vuejs 3 – Simple Invoice Application

Laravel 10 and Vuejs 3 – Simple Invoice Application

In this tutorial, we will create a simple invoice application using Laravel 10 and Vuejs 3. We will start by creating a form to add invoice data and then create a template to display the invoice.

Create Invoice

Invoice Template

Invoice Details

Client Name: {{ clientName }}

Invoice Date: {{ invoiceDate }}

Amount: {{ amount }}

new Vue({
el: ‘#invoiceForm’,
data: {
clientName: ”,
invoiceDate: ”,
amount: ”
methods: {
addInvoice: function() {
let invoiceDetails = {
clientName: this.clientName,
invoiceDate: this.invoiceDate,
amount: this.amount

// Send the invoice data to Laravel backend for processing
// …

// After processing, update the invoice template
document.getElementById(‘invoiceTemplate’).innerHTML = `

Invoice Details

Client Name: ${invoiceDetails.clientName}

Invoice Date: ${invoiceDetails.invoiceDate}

Amount: ${invoiceDetails.amount}


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6 months ago

new video please

6 months ago

Eagerly Waiting for the next tutorial of this project

6 months ago


6 months ago

Hello friend, at what point do you move the project from development to production? What steps do you follow to run `npm run prod` successfully? Best regards and thank you very much.

6 months ago

Waiting for the next tutorial of this project ✍

6 months ago

hey dude i just watched all your videos but i need more than that. So can u make more ? please

6 months ago

thank you, excellent

6 months ago

Please make more project using laravel and vue js. Something like sweet alert, chartjs, toastify, step form using vuejs approach

6 months ago

Waiting for the next tutorial of this project

6 months ago

Please public portfolio-website. Im training on it. Thanks bro.

6 months ago

Can't find your porfolio website in larave and vue js I was in the middle of building process ;(

6 months ago


Need for new lessons

6 months ago

hello where is your porfolio website in larave and vue js gone from youtube

6 months ago

So glad I found this channel!

6 months ago

Very good Project. please complete. thank you

6 months ago

Please complete this project and make E-commerce kind of project with Vue3 + Pinia + Laravel with login and everything.
Thank you

6 months ago

Very good !!!

6 months ago

thanks for today's tutorial.