Building a Blog Project Setup with Express.js Web App [Part 6] 🌟

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Express.js Web App – Part 6

Express.js Web App – Blog Project Setup ✨

Now that we have set up our basic Express.js web app and configured our server, it’s time to start building our blog project. In this part, we will focus on setting up the directory structure and creating the necessary files for our blog.

Directory Structure

First, let’s create a new directory for our blog project. Inside this directory, we will set up the following sub-directories:

  • public – This directory will contain any static files such as images, CSS, and client-side JavaScript.
  • views – This directory will hold the template files for our website, including the HTML files that will be rendered by Express.js.
  • routes – This directory will contain the route handlers for our blog project. Each route handler will be responsible for handling different requests, such as displaying a list of blog posts or a single blog post.

Creating Files

Now that we have our directory structure in place, let’s start creating the necessary files for our blog project:

  • app.js – This file will be the main entry point for our Express.js application. It will set up the server and define the routes for our blog project.
  • public/styles.css – This file will contain the CSS styles for our website.
  • views/index.html – This file will be the homepage for our blog project.
  • routes/index.js – This file will contain the route handler for the homepage, as well as any other routes related to the blog project.

Next Steps

With our directory structure and basic files in place, we are now ready to start building out the functionality of our blog project. In the next part, we will focus on setting up a database to store our blog posts and creating the necessary routes to display and manage these posts.