Building a Color Palette System using React JS Application

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React Js Color Palettes Application

Build Color Palette System with React Js

React Js is a popular, open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. With its component-based architecture and reusability, React Js is a great choice for building color palette systems. In this article, we will explore how to create a color palette system using React Js.

Setting up the Project

First, we need to create a new React project using the create-react-app command. Once the project is set up, we can start building our color palette system.

Creating Color Palette Component

We will create a ColorPalette component that will hold the color palettes. Each color palette will be represented as a separate component called ColorBox. The ColorPalette component will accept an array of colors and render the ColorBox components for each color in the array.

Styling Color Palette

We can use CSS to style the ColorBox components and the overall layout of the color palette system. We can add hover effects, transitions, and other styles to make the color palettes visually appealing.


To make the color palette system interactive, we can add functionality to allow users to select and copy colors, rearrange color palettes, and add new color palettes. We can use React state and event handlers to manage the interactivity of the color palette system.

Integration with Color Picker

We can also integrate a color picker component into our color palette system to allow users to add new colors to the palettes. When a user selects a color from the color picker, we can update the state of the color palette system to include the new color.


Building a color palette system with React Js is a great way to enhance the user experience of your applications. With its component-based architecture and interactivity, React Js allows us to create a visually appealing and functional color palette system. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create your own color palette system and customize it to fit the needs of your application.

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10 months ago

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10 months ago

Colt steele react course project?

Avik Nayak
10 months ago

How much time did it take for you to make this project?

Momoh Abdulsamad
10 months ago

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