Building a Color Picker Web Application using Node.js, React, and MongoDB

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Color Picker Web Application

Color Picker Web Application – Node Js & React with Mongodb

Color Picker Web Application is a full-stack web application built using Node.js, React, and Mongodb. It allows users to generate and save custom color palettes.


  • Generate custom color palettes
  • Save and organize palettes into collections
  • Edit and customize colors in a palette
  • Search for specific colors or palettes
  • User authentication and authorization

Technologies Used

The Color Picker Web Application is built using the following technologies:

  • Node.js – for server-side scripting
  • React – for front-end development
  • Mongodb – for data storage and management
  • Express – for handling HTTP requests

The application makes use of various npm packages and libraries to enhance functionality and user experience. These include react-color for color picking, react-router for navigation, and passport for user authentication.


Color Picker Web Application provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to create and organize color palettes. The ability to save and edit palettes makes it easy for designers and developers to work on projects that require specific color schemes. Users can also search for existing palettes to find inspiration or share their creations with others.


The Color Picker Web Application is a powerful tool for anyone working with colors in their projects. Its seamless integration of Node.js, React, and Mongodb provides a robust and efficient platform for generating and managing color palettes. Whether you’re a designer, developer, or hobbyist, this web application is sure to enhance your workflow and creativity.