Building a Complete Portfolio Website Part 3 with React JS

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Create Portfolio website using React JS part 3 | complete portfolio website part 3

Create Portfolio website using React JS part 3

Complete portfolio website part 3

When it comes to creating a portfolio website, using React JS can be a great choice. In this article, we will continue our series on creating a complete portfolio website using React JS.

#reactjs #website

In the previous parts of this series, we have covered the basics of setting up a React JS project and creating the main components of a portfolio website. In this part, we will focus on adding additional functionality and styling to our website.

Adding a contact form

One important aspect of a portfolio website is providing a way for visitors to get in touch with you. We can easily add a contact form to our website using React JS. We will create a new component for the contact form and then add it to the main page of our website. This will allow visitors to fill out their information and send you a message directly from the website.

Styling the website

Styling is an important part of any website, and with React JS, we can easily add custom styles to our components. We can use CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components or Emotion to add styling to our components. We can also use CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS to keep our styles organized and maintainable.

Adding animations

Adding animations to our website can make it more engaging and attractive. We can use libraries like Framer Motion or React Spring to add animations to our components. This will make the user experience more dynamic and visually appealing.

Optimizing for performance

As we add more functionality and styling to our website, it is important to consider the performance implications. We can optimize our website by using lazy loading for images and components, code splitting, and minimizing the use of heavy third-party libraries. This will ensure that our website loads quickly and provides a smooth user experience.

By following these steps, we can create a professional and polished portfolio website using React JS. In the next part of this series, we will cover deployment and optimization techniques to ensure that our website is fast and accessible. Stay tuned for more on creating a complete portfolio website using React JS!

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