Building a Custom Object Detection Model with Tensorflow 2 on Google Colab and Local PC

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Tensorflow 2 Custom Object Detection Model

Tensorflow 2 Custom Object Detection Model (Google Colab and Local PC)

Tensorflow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google. It is widely used for various machine learning and deep learning tasks, including object detection. Tensorflow 2 is the latest version of the framework and comes with a variety of improvements and new features.

Custom Object Detection Model

Object detection is the process of identifying and locating objects in images or videos. While Tensorflow provides pre-trained models for object detection, sometimes we may need to create a custom object detection model for specific use cases. This can be achieved using Tensorflow 2 and its powerful API.

Google Colab

Google Colab is a free cloud-based Jupyter notebook environment provided by Google. It allows users to write and execute Python code using various libraries including Tensorflow. With Google Colab, you can easily create and train custom object detection models using Tensorflow 2 without the need for a powerful local PC.

Local PC

If you prefer to work on your local PC, you can also create and train custom object detection models using Tensorflow 2. You will need to have a good understanding of Python and the necessary hardware resources for training large models.

Getting Started

To get started with creating a custom object detection model using Tensorflow 2, you can follow the official documentation provided by Google. This will guide you through the process of setting up your environment, preparing your dataset, creating the model architecture, and training the model.


Creating custom object detection models using Tensorflow 2 can be a challenging but rewarding task. Whether you choose to use Google Colab or your local PC, Tensorflow 2 provides the tools and resources needed to build powerful and efficient models for object detection.

Author: John Doe

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6 months ago

i have followed all the steps but lot of error is showing this is one of the example error

slim = tf.contrib.slim

AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'contrib'

6 months ago

i wasted my time trying to refollow every single step in this tutorial but now help their is so many error wasted my time on this tutorial no help at all just look for another tutorial that might actually help you

6 months ago

please answer where can i access the config fiels that you edit

6 months ago

you are showing about the config files but we dont have access to those.. where can i get those config files

6 months ago

where can i get the configs

6 months ago

Is anyone else getting "AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops' has no attribute 'case'"?
I run the code in the collab and last step !python /content/models/research/object_detection/ gives that error:( And I cannot downgrade tensorflow version on Collab to anything less than 2.8.0…
AttributeError: in user code:

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/object_detection/data_decoders/", line 556, in decode *

tensors = decoder.decode(serialized_example, items=keys)

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/tf_slim/data/", line 722, in decode *


File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/tf_slim/data/", line 405, in tensors_to_item *

return self._decode(image_buffer, image_format)

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/tf_slim/data/", line 453, in _decode *

image =

AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops' has no attribute 'case'

6 months ago

will the roboflow dataset work if I export it as tensorflow TFrecord and use it in the notebook?

6 months ago

I got error at "import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf"
please help

6 months ago

If anyone is encountering this error:
TypeError: __init__(): incompatible constructor arguments. The following argument types are supported: 1. str, buffer_size: int, token: = None)

I solved mine by shortening the config file filename

6 months ago

Your tutorial is amazing straightforward and saved me a lot of headache looking through other tutorials. I have a question, would you happen to know how to export to tflite format for object detection for RaspPi. Been trying to figure this out but to no avail.

6 months ago

I personally don't prefer google colab if you're a free user. It will be extremely slow, so in short use your pc if you're a free user.

6 months ago

Idk if you can help me but I am getting the following error when I run the training script: Tensorflow: AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops' has no attribute 'case'

6 months ago

I appreciated your tutorial and I definitely learned a lot from you. Keep it going, we're here to support you.

6 months ago

import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow.compat'

Hi sir, my project had this error and I can't find solution for that

6 months ago

Does the colab notebook still work? As I've encountered in my other projects, the object_detection API won't install. Also, Tensorflow==2.6.0 is not available.

6 months ago

If I want to use dataset from roboflow universe ,which format should I choose?And what is next step I need to do?
Hope someone can help me🙏🙏🙏

6 months ago

can we deploy our trained model to local host or website to detect image from uploaded image ?

6 months ago

Has anyone had a similar problem? 'self._read_buf = _pywrap_file_io.BufferedInputStream(

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xbf in position 100: invalid start byte'

6 months ago

This is the best and clean tutorial I have seen so far. Thank you.

6 months ago

Youtube should provide zoom option for this video, My eyes are paining after watching this video very closely.