Building a Dashboard with Tkinter | Tkinter Registration and Management Project | Part 10

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Create Dashboard in Tkinter | Registration + Management Project in Tkinter | Part 10

Create Dashboard in Tkinter

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a dashboard in Tkinter for a registration and management project. This will be Part 10 of our Tkinter project series.

Steps to Create Dashboard

  1. Create a new file for the dashboard layout.
  2. Add necessary widgets like buttons, labels, and frames to the dashboard.
  3. Define functions to handle actions like opening registration form, displaying registered users, etc.
  4. Layout the widgets using grid or pack method.

Example Code

            # Code for creating a dashboard in Tkinter
            import tkinter as tk
            def open_registration_form():
                # Add code to open registration form
            def display_registered_users():
                # Add code to display registered users
            root = tk.Tk()
            registration_button = tk.Button(root, text="Register", command=open_registration_form)
            users_button = tk.Button(root, text="Registered Users", command=display_registered_users)

With this code snippet, you can create a basic dashboard layout with buttons to open the registration form and display registered users. You can customize the layout and add more functionality as per your project requirements.


Creating a dashboard in Tkinter is essential for managing various aspects of a project. By following the steps mentioned above, you can create a user-friendly dashboard with ease. Stay tuned for more tutorials on Tkinter projects!

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3 months ago

The program crashes when you convert it to .exe file

3 months ago

Please, Upload the next video.🙏

3 months ago

where is the next video?

3 months ago

Thank you, Very Helpful

3 months ago

when would the admin dashboard video came?

3 months ago

Thank you very much you are greater

3 months ago

When calling up the student dashboardpanel for the job (student ID = 143133), these numbers refer to whom

3 months ago

Dear programmer

Thanks for the effort

I have a question

If there is no photo of the student in the data base, how is it processed?

3 months ago

After completing this project, will you work on an accounting system project?

3 months ago

Is this the last episode of the program?

3 months ago

Thank you very much and continued success