Building a Fastify API with Node.js and TypeScript: EP 02

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Node.js TypeScript Fastify EP 02 Thunder Client

Node.js TypeScript Fastify EP 02 Thunder Client

Welcome to the second episode of the Node.js TypeScript Fastify series. In this episode, we will be introducing Thunder Client as a tool for testing API endpoints in Fastify.

What is Thunder Client?

Thunder Client is a lightweight REST client for VS Code. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for sending HTTP requests and capturing responses. It is a powerful tool for testing API endpoints and debugging HTTP requests.

Why Thunder Client for Fastify?

Fastify is a web framework for Node.js that is focused on providing the best developer experience with the least overhead. Thunder Client integrates seamlessly with Fastify and makes it easy to test and debug API endpoints without leaving the editor.

How to Use Thunder Client with Fastify

To use Thunder Client with Fastify, you can install the Thunder Client extension in VS Code. Once installed, you can create a new Thunder file and start sending HTTP requests to your Fastify API endpoints. Thunder Client provides a user-friendly interface for creating and sending requests, as well as inspecting the responses.


Thunder Client is a valuable tool for testing and debugging API endpoints in Fastify. Its seamless integration with VS Code makes it a convenient choice for developers working with Fastify. With Thunder Client, you can easily test your API endpoints and ensure they are functioning as expected.