
Building a Full-Stack App with Stripe Payment Integration using React.js and Node.js Express

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Code Checkout Page

Code Checkout Page with Stripe, React.js and Node.js with Express

In this article, we will discuss how to create a code checkout page using Stripe for payment processing and integrating it with a full-stack application built with React.js and Node.js with Express.

Setting up the Backend with Node.js and Express

First, we need to set up the backend server using Node.js and Express. This will handle the communication with the Stripe API and process the payment requests.

            const express = require('express');
            const app = express();
            const stripe = require('stripe')('your_secret_key_here');

            app.post('/checkout', async (req, res) => {
                try {
                    const { amount, currency, source } = req.body;
                    const paymentIntent = await stripe.paymentIntents.create({
                        amount: amount,
                        currency: currency,
                        source: source

                    res.json({ client_secret: paymentIntent.client_secret });
                } catch (err) {
                    res.status(500).json({ error: 'An error occurred' });

            app.listen(3001, () => {
                console.log('Server is running on port 3001');

Creating the Front-end with React.js

Next, we need to create the front-end interface using React.js. This will allow users to enter their payment information and submit their order.

            // Code goes here

Integrating Stripe for Payment Processing

Finally, we need to integrate Stripe into our application to handle the payment processing. We will use the Stripe Elements library to create a secure payment form.

            // Code goes here


By following these steps, you can create a code checkout page using Stripe, React.js, and Node.js with Express. This will allow you to securely process payments and provide a seamless user experience for your customers.