
Building a Full-Stack CMS App with AppContextProvider, Axios Auth, React.js, Express.js, Typescript, and Chakra UI

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Full-Stack CMS #13 AppContextProvider & Axios Auth – React.js/Express.js + Typescript and Chakra UI

Full-Stack CMS #13 AppContextProvider & Axios Auth – React.js/Express.js + Typescript and Chakra UI

In this article, we will be discussing the implementation of AppContextProvider and Axios Auth in a Full-Stack CMS application built using React.js/Express.js, Typescript, and Chakra UI.


The AppContextProvider is a component that provides a way to share state and functionality across the entire application. It uses the Context API provided by React to create a context that can be consumed by any component in the application.

Axios Auth

Axios is a popular HTTP client for making requests to a server. In our Full-Stack CMS application, we will be using Axios to handle authentication and make secure requests to the backend API. We will be implementing token-based authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Axios interceptors to automatically attach the authentication headers to each request.

React.js/Express.js + Typescript

React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and Express.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework. In this project, we will be using Typescript to add static typing to our codebase, which will help us catch errors and improve code reliability.

Chakra UI

Chakra UI is a simple, modular and accessible component library for building React applications. It provides a set of customizable, themeable components that can be easily integrated into our application to create a consistent and beautiful UI.


By implementing AppContextProvider and Axios Auth in our Full-Stack CMS application using React.js/Express.js, Typescript, and Chakra UI, we can create a secure and reliable application with a beautiful user interface. This will help us to build a scalable and maintainable CMS system that can be easily extended and customized to meet the needs of our users.