
Building a Full Stack SaaS Application using Next.js, React, Supabase, Stripe, and TailwindCSS

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Full Stack SaaS App with Next 13, React, Supabase, Stripe, TailwindCSS

Building a Full Stack SaaS App with Next 13, React, Supabase, Stripe, and TailwindCSS

In today’s digital world, creating a Software as a Service (SaaS) application that is both robust and user-friendly is essential for success. With the advancements in web technologies, building a full stack SaaS app has become more accessible than ever. In this article, we will explore how to create a full stack SaaS app using Next 13, React, Supabase, Stripe, and TailwindCSS.

Next 13 and React

Next.js is a popular open-source framework for building modern web applications. With the release of Next 13, it has become even more powerful, with features like improved performance, faster builds, and smaller bundles. Combined with React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, Next.js provides a solid foundation for building the front end of our SaaS app.


Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase, offering a suite of tools for building and managing a backend for web and mobile applications. With Supabase, we can easily set up a PostgreSQL database, manage authentication, and handle serverless functions, making it an excellent choice for the backend of our SaaS app.


Stripe is a popular payment processing platform that allows businesses to accept online payments. By integrating Stripe into our SaaS app, we can handle subscription payments, one-time purchases, and more, providing a seamless customer experience while generating revenue for our business.


TailwindCSS is a utility-first CSS framework that makes it easy to design and customize the visual appearance of our SaaS app. With its extensive set of utility classes, we can quickly create responsive and visually appealing user interfaces, saving time and effort in the development process.


By leveraging the power of Next 13, React, Supabase, Stripe, and TailwindCSS, we can create a full stack SaaS app that is both feature-rich and aesthetically pleasing. With a robust front end, a scalable and secure backend, seamless payment processing, and a visually appealing design, our SaaS app will be well-equipped to meet the needs of modern businesses and their customers.

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7 months ago

Where does the starting code come from?

7 months ago

Does anyone still have the source files? The link hits me with a 403 error.

Tino Taylor
7 months ago

Thank you so much for this video. I'm a little new to some of this tech and this was a godsend. How did you learn all of this stuff so well? I feel lost even after years of coding 😅

7 months ago

getting this error " error: AuthApiError: Database error creating new user " after creating trigger

7 months ago

Woah this is great for beginners like me. Btw how many days does it took for u to complete the project. Video is just 2.5hrs long but I think there will be atleast a week time to make the design and another week to code the project

7 months ago

This is a great tutorial and spends the appropriate time explaining details along the way in a semi-beginner friendly way. Thanks for putting it together!

Internet Moddi
7 months ago

Can you recommend any alternative to VC code how is not from a bad company like microsoft!

We are some people how never what to use any microsoft products!

Boris Barzotto
7 months ago


Eleazar Ch
7 months ago

Hello, could you explain what the start code has?

Liam Stone
7 months ago

Hey man just finished getting through all this. Thank you so much. The stripe integrations and webhooks is something I've found so daunting but I'm a big fan of Supabase. This was excellent. Your method and pace is perfect. Thanks so much!

Pravigya Jain
7 months ago

Can someone please explain how the webhook url should be updated for production url?

Marcin Piekarski
7 months ago

Mate, well done on the tutorial and the starter project.

As someone getting to grips with Supabase. It's all really well done.

Deus lo Vult
7 months ago

Nice !

Fahad Kiani
7 months ago

any chance if you could kindly please provide the source code too?

Gian Sanchez
7 months ago

I wonder what can be added to create a separate admin login with some CMS features

Mike Padial
7 months ago

Loved the tutorial! The title is a bit misleading as Tailwind is not actually used but I appreciate the css being done beforehand!

Vincent Fulco
7 months ago

What is the license on the starter code?

Vincent Fulco
7 months ago


Anthony DeFreitas
7 months ago

What's the functionality of the SASS or is this more of an ecommerce app?

john deer
7 months ago

The function/trigger in supabase is not working for me. Everything works right up until I create the function and trigger. Help please.