
Building a Fullstack MERN JWT Authentication Project: Adding Cookies and Enhancing Security | Part 3

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Fullstack MERN JWT Auth Project: React & Node.js | Part 3 (Cookies & Security)

Fullstack MERN JWT Auth Project: React & Node.js | Part 3 (Cookies & Security)

Welcome to Part 3 of our Fullstack MERN JWT Auth Project series. In this part, we will delve into the importance of cookies and security in our application.


Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on the client’s browser. They are commonly used for user authentication and session management. In our project, we will be using cookies to store the JWT token that is needed to authenticate users.


Security is a crucial aspect of any web application, especially when it comes to user authentication and handling sensitive information. In our project, we will be implementing various security measures such as encrypting sensitive data, using HTTPS, and implementing CSRF protection to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks.


To implement cookies and security in our project, we will be using the ‘cookie-parser’ middleware in our Node.js backend to set and read cookies. We will also be using various security libraries such as ‘helmet’ and ‘csurf’ to enhance the security of our application.


By implementing cookies and security measures in our Fullstack MERN JWT Auth Project, we are ensuring that our application is secure and user-friendly. In the next part of our series, we will continue to build on these foundations and further enhance the functionality of our app.

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6 months ago

When can we expect a frontend tutorial? 🙂

6 months ago
