
Building a Functional Todo List Web Application using React and Vite – PART 7

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Todo List Web App

Todo List Web App With React And Vite – PART 7: Implementing Functionalities

In the previous parts of this series, we have set up the development environment for our todo list web app using React as the front-end library and Vite as the build tool. We have also created the basic structure and design of the app. Now it’s time to implement the functionalities of the app.

Adding Todo Items

The first functionality we will implement is the ability to add new todo items to the list. We will create a form component where users can input their todo item and submit it. We will then handle the form submission and add the new todo item to the list.

        // Form component
        const Form = () => {
          const [todo, setTodo] = useState('');

          const handleSubmit = (e) => {
            // Add the todo item to the list

          return (
            <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
              <input type="text" value={todo} onChange={(e) => setTodo(e.target.value)} />
              <button type="submit">Add Todo</button>

Marking Todo Items as Completed

Once we have added the ability to add new todo items, the next functionality we will implement is the ability to mark todo items as completed. We will add a checkbox to each todo item in the list, and when the user checks the checkbox, we will update the status of the todo item to “completed”.

        // TodoItem component
        const TodoItem = ({ todo }) => {
          const handleCheckboxChange = () => {
            // Update the status of the todo item to "completed"

          return (
              <input type="checkbox" checked={todo.completed} onChange={handleCheckboxChange} />

Filtering Todo Items

Finally, we will implement the functionality to filter todo items based on their status (i.e., all, completed, active). We will add buttons to the app that allow users to switch between different filters, and we will update the list of todo items based on the selected filter.

        // FilterButtons component
        const FilterButtons = () => {
          const handleFilter = (filter) => {
            // Update the list of todo items based on the selected filter

          return (
              <button onClick={() => handleFilter('all')}>All</button>
              <button onClick={() => handleFilter('completed')}>Completed</button>
              <button onClick={() => handleFilter('active')}>Active</button>

With these functionalities implemented, our todo list web app is starting to take shape. In the next part of this series, we will add some final touches and polish the app before deploying it.

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Root Media ሩት ሚዲያ
7 months ago

bro, i got some error. please help me by fixing it