
Building a Job Application and Chatting App with Flutter, Node.js, Mongodb, and Socket – Part 1

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Flutter Nodejs App Tutorial

Flutter Nodejs App Tutorial + Mongodb + Socket + Job App + Chatting | Part 1

Welcome to the first part of our tutorial series on building a Flutter Nodejs App with Mongodb, Socket, Job App, and Chatting feature. In this tutorial, we will go through the initial setup and the basic implementation of our app.


Before we start, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Flutter SDK
  • Node.js
  • Mongodb

Setting up the Backend

First, let’s set up the backend using Node.js. Create a new directory for your Node.js project and run the following commands:

            mkdir nodejs-app
            cd nodejs-app
            npm init -y
            npm install express mongoose socket.io

Now, create a new file index.js and set up a basic Express server:

            const express = require('express');
            const app = express();

            const server = app.listen(3000, () => {
                console.log('Server is running on port 3000');

Setting up the Frontend

Next, let’s set up the frontend using Flutter. Create a new Flutter project and open the pubspec.yaml file. Add the following dependencies:

                sdk: flutter

Then, run flutter pub get to install the dependencies. Now, you can start building your Flutter app with the necessary features.


In this part, we have set up the backend using Node.js and the frontend using Flutter. In the next part of the tutorial, we will integrate Mongodb, Socket, and implement the Job App and Chatting features. Stay tuned for the next part of the tutorial!

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carlos mauricio pabon marulanda
7 months ago

nice job bro, do you have the mockups of the app?

shree ram
7 months ago

at 1:26:24 there is a error occured which is " _TypeError (Null check operator used on a null value)" in this line ( ZoomDrawer.of(context)!.toggle(); ) in drawer_widget.dart while i try to open drawer screen in device

Jood Aaa
7 months ago

If we purchase the course, will you send us the full code package?
Or send us only the course videos with the certificate

Abdul Salam
7 months ago

Some parts are skipped, I follow all the steps to generate the jwt but it still not generating I think you skipped that part coz the token is generated at the time of login user but in my case it is not generating. Overall video is too good but some things are not properly explained.

Hiran Wasalaarachchi
7 months ago

The starter code does not work

Nguyễn Thanh Bình
7 months ago

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_doc')????

Tanvir Islam Pulok
7 months ago

Hi there ,have an issue while deploying node js server in railway…

Nodeman:permission denied
Mom warn config production use ‘omit-dev’ instead

And server is crashed again and again .

Can anyone solve this issue?

Priyanshu Shekhar
7 months ago

At 3:48:24 we are sending a post request but we have not used app.post() in the code

Ramsai koushik polisetty
7 months ago

It would be great if you could provide the final code for free, as for an undergrad student, 10 dollars is a very high amount

Ferdous Rahman
7 months ago

Can i do this project if i dont kbow node js cause i dont know any backend language
Please reply 🙏

Mayank Mudgal
7 months ago

Please can you provide the starter code ?

7 months ago

when I deploy my application in Railway, depoy log shows that
sh: 1: nodemon: Permission denied

npm WARN config production Use `–omit=dev` instead. Does anyone have this problem? how can I solve this problem. My application works on windows system.

Ghulam Murtaza
7 months ago

Hi, How many total parts will be this course?

Iqram Rafien
7 months ago

hello. Can I know which one you prefer as backend for flutter to do real time application? Laravel or NodeJs.

Samuel Muthembwa
7 months ago

Great video but we all like practical coding that using "starter code" and explaining.

Akash Sharma
7 months ago

please show drawer item code

Ron Jabz
7 months ago

i have this error in setting up my railway. "Unfortunately, the attached GitHub account does not provide enough data on who you are."
anyone who had the same error?

Vikalp Shinde
7 months ago

node modules installed but i am having 9 vulnerabilities and its not resolving

Prasad Ranjane
7 months ago

4:20:35 I am not able to update user in Postman, I get a 404 not found error in Postman itself. What can be the problem there ?

Prasad Ranjane
7 months ago

4:07:54 What is the value of JWT_SEC in verifyToken function?