
Building a Job Finder App with MERN Stack: Frontend and Backend Integration using MongoDB, ExpressJs, React, and Node

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MERN Stack Job Finder App

MERN Stack Job Finder App

Welcome to our MERN Stack Job Finder App, where you can search for and apply to job listings using the latest technologies in web development.

Frontend & Backend Integration

Our app is built using the MERN stack, which stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node. This means that we have a powerful and efficient full-stack solution for building web applications.

On the frontend, we use React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React allows us to create dynamic and interactive user experiences, with its component-based architecture and virtual DOM.

On the backend, we use Node.js and Express.js to handle server-side logic and API integration. Node.js makes it easy to build scalable network applications, while Express.js provides a minimal and flexible web application framework.

Our frontend and backend are seamlessly integrated, allowing for smooth and efficient communication between the client and server. This integration enables us to provide a responsive and user-friendly experience for our job seekers and employers.


Our app utilizes MongoDB as its database, a popular NoSQL database solution that provides a flexible and scalable way to store and manage data. MongoDB’s document-based data model allows for easy integration with our frontend and backend, making it a perfect fit for our job finder app.


Our MERN Stack Job Finder App provides a modern and efficient solution for job seekers and employers to connect and find opportunities. By leveraging the power of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node, we have created a seamless and user-friendly experience that sets us apart in the world of job search platforms.

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Afnan Abbas
7 months ago

Apply job user functionality form to apply the job

Sonu Kumar
7 months ago

application part is left

7 months ago

Can you share the full source code ?

Tushar Paul
7 months ago

finally complete with frontend but also struggle with last part

afnan abbas
7 months ago

Not Apply user functionality plzz apply form

Randhir singh
7 months ago

can user is able to apply for the job mentioned?

7 months ago

Thank you so much for such an amazing project ❤🎉

I had one doubt how to update profile pic simultaneously instead of logging out and logging again to see the updated one?

7 months ago

Please fix uploading job

7 months ago

Between 19 to 20 min in video. u are stuck on Page getting redirected to Create account page. But I think while editing Video u edited that part by mistake

7 months ago

Brother, after creating account or login, i m redirected to create account page.

7 months ago

Can v use it to show this in our CV?

Jimoh Segun
7 months ago

This is amazing, why not include forgot password sir?

Rahul Tyagi
7 months ago

Awesome bro🎉

Julio Cesar Alves Moreira
7 months ago

nice project

Kai Norling
7 months ago

thanks bro such as valuable lessons