
Building a Modern Full-Stack OpenAI Chatbot with NextJS 13

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Learn NextJS 13 by Building a Modern Full-Stack OpenAI Chatbot

Learn NextJS 13 by Building a Modern Full-Stack OpenAI Chatbot

NextJS is a popular React framework that allows developers to build fast and efficient web applications. In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a modern full-stack OpenAI chatbot using NextJS 13.

Getting Started

Before diving into building our chatbot, make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can check if Node.js is installed by running node -v in your terminal. If Node.js is not installed, you can download it from the official website.

Creating a NextJS Project

To create a new NextJS project, you can use the following command:

npx create-next-app my-chatbot

This will create a new NextJS project with the name “my-chatbot” in the current directory. Navigate into the project directory by running cd my-chatbot and start the development server by running npm run dev.

Integrating OpenAI API

To integrate the OpenAI API into our chatbot, you will need to sign up for an account on the OpenAI website and obtain an API key. Once you have your API key, you can install the OpenAI SDK by running the following command:

npm install openai

Next, create a new file named openai.js in your project and add the following code:

// openai.js
const OpenAI = require('openai-api');
const openai = new OpenAI(process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY);

module.exports = openai;

Replace process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY with your actual API key. Now, you can import the OpenAI SDK in your chatbot components and use it to generate responses.

Building the Chatbot

Now that we have set up the project and integrated the OpenAI API, we can start building our chatbot. Create a new component named Chatbot in the components directory and add the necessary logic to fetch responses from the OpenAI API.

Use NextJS’s built-in API routes to handle incoming messages from the client and generate responses using the OpenAI SDK. You can then display the responses in the chat interface using React components.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to build a modern full-stack OpenAI chatbot using NextJS 13. This project will help you understand the fundamentals of NextJS and how to integrate external APIs into your applications. Feel free to explore other features of NextJS and further enhance your chatbot with additional functionalities.

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4 months ago

I know y'all enjoy the long-form videos a lot. Let's become amazing web devs together and build an awesome app!
⭐ GitHub repository (star if you're cool): https://github.com/joschan21/bookbuddy
⭐ Upstash for API security: https://upstash.com/?utm_source=Josh2

4 months ago

Any update to fix the streaming error @ 1:30:00 ? I get all the data from OpenAI but the onSuccess function doesn't work since the call returns an error.

4 months ago

Bro, I need something similar with live chat function. Can you add that if possible PLEASE

4 months ago

Does this still work or have OpenAI updates made parts obsolete? I'm trying to go through it, but I'm hitting errors around 1:30:00

4 months ago

i did not want to comment before because this project was last year well i was just following the project up and i really appreciate your honesty and simplicity you make me feel relatable i hope you see this comment though

4 months ago

If isLoading isn't working for you, replace it with isPending

4 months ago

How can I start the server with npm at 8:10? I tried Yarn Dev but it gives me error. Any suggestions?

4 months ago

Thank you for the fantastic content ! This was fascinating 🙂

4 months ago

hey josh I'm getting fetch error 500. I also tried to clone your project and added my openAi API key to the project and still getting the same 500 error. is there any solution?

4 months ago

Too many details sometimes it's boring. I am here to learn how to use GPT-3/4. This means I know what a "cd" command does or how "app router" works.

Please don't have to be so detailed.

4 months ago

This tutorial is great for a person having knowledge about streams but for a beginner it is pretty much difficult to understand the streaming part. If you could make a video on streaming alone it would really help.

4 months ago

Sorry Josh but im having an issue trying to install the shadcdn accordion, it gives me this message Configuration is missing. Please run init to create a components.json file. I run init to create the json file but still i cant install the accordion.

4 months ago

it would be awesome to connect the chat with a pg database, personal assistants in any business area is gonna be hot!!

4 months ago

this is easy because your db data is of 2 books. What if you have 100k books in bookData?

4 months ago

Whenever i try to send a message it only shows message status pending in network tab can anyone help me figure it out why is it so i checked the .env file api key is correct.

4 months ago

Hi Josh. I went straight to your github repo and cloned it. Wanted to see it in action. Setup environment variables in a .env file and the database on upstash., but when I send a message in the chatbot, it seems to send commands to upstash, but my openai api is getting nothing. What could be the problem here?

4 months ago

Can someone with no prior experience on Typescript follow along?

4 months ago

I feel so stupid for my comment on your 8 hour video but it is also funny how stupid it was so I was unable to delete the comment… I just feel addicted to your style of video and I am genuinely in love with your channel ❤❤❤

4 months ago

if u had a problem with an edge function while deploying to vercel with error 500 on the console for /api/message, u can try changing the code on route.ts file on the outbound messages to this const outboundMessages: ChatGPTMessage[] = parsedMessages.map((message) => {

return {

role: message.isUserMessage ? "user" : "system",

content: message.text,



4 months ago

great video. will you be able to go over on chat history? seems like they don't keep a conversation going. also, what would be best practice so history wouldn't take up more tokens