
Building a Netflix Clone with React.js: MERN Stack, Firebase Setup, Authentication, and ReduxToolkit

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🔥 React js Netflix Clone: MERN Stack project

React js Netflix Clone: MERN Stack project

If you are looking to build a Netflix clone using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack, then you’re in the right place. In this article, we will walk you through the process of setting up a Netflix clone using React.js, Firebase for authentication, and ReduxToolkit for state management.

Firebase setup

Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. It provides various services such as authentication, real-time database, cloud messaging, hosting, and more. To set up Firebase for our Netflix clone, you will need to create a Firebase project and set up authentication using the Firebase Authentication service.


Once you have set up Firebase, you can integrate Firebase Authentication into your Netflix clone to allow users to sign in and sign up using their email and password, Google, Facebook, or other social media accounts. Firebase Authentication provides a secure way to authenticate users and manage user data.


ReduxToolkit is a powerful and opinionated Redux package to streamline building a Redux application. It provides tools and utilities to simplify common Redux use cases such as store setup, reducer creation, and action handling. By integrating ReduxToolkit into our Netflix clone, we can manage state more efficiently and improve the overall performance of our application.


Building a Netflix clone using the MERN stack, Firebase for authentication, and ReduxToolkit for state management is a great way to learn and practice modern web development technologies. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a fully functional and visually appealing Netflix clone that is ready to be deployed and used by users around the world.

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7 months ago

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⭐tutorial Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcpP5Kca60c&t=264s
🟢Demo website https://edubaba-org.vercel.app/#home

limitless cosmos
7 months ago

Hey man
i just want to know if there is any another part of this video ??
because there are so many components left empty like movie page , tvshow page and yeah why did you created the server folder

so many questions ..??

Mispi YT
7 months ago

Hey Sir, I have 2 problems here.

Firstly, the Netffix logo and SignIn button are still at the bottom.

secondly, when I press the get started button after entering the email, it doesn't switch to password, and in firebase there is no data either. Can you tell me where I went wrong? Thank You.

Abhishek Potfode
7 months ago

@3:53:18 I am getting error data.map is not a function?
please help me if anyone resolved this issue

Laddu Verma
7 months ago

the source code folders are taking way too much time to open. slowing down my pc. and why it is a large file even there is only code and no media files.

Zain Shah
7 months ago

const getMovieData = async (api, genres, paging = false) => {

const moviesArray = [];

for (let i = 1; moviesArray.length < 80 && i < 10; i++) {

await axios.get(`${api}${paging ? `&page=${i}` : ''}`)



How do we know what parameters to pass?
and how does the api link is structured?

Uh K
7 months ago

Hi i am getting error fetching movies…

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

Hania Mugheez
7 months ago

hello , i have error in my project , i don't know how to resolve it.ERROR in ./src/pages/SignUpPage.js 11:0-40

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@firebase/utils' in 'C:UsersdellDesktopNetflix-Cloneclientsrcpages'. this is my error i update my firebase and npm also according to google or chatgpt. can please guide what do i do? . I highly appreciate your coordination if you you help out me this error. thankyou

7 months ago

@Edubaba i'm getting error while fetching movies

Daniel K
7 months ago

Hi sir, am getting this warning when am clicking login or signup button. You should call navigate() in a React.useEffect(), not when your component is first rendered.

When am typing /signup or /login its going to home page itself. May i get the reason? It will be very helpful when you are showing the console part.

Rohit Kumar
7 months ago

can you give the deployed link so that i can see

Madhav Thakur
7 months ago

sir can we have not use different trailer for specific movie

Karan Lifts
7 months ago

I get error in Genres Loaded 3:37:29

Karan Lifts
7 months ago

Thank you so much I am going to made this project from today Thanks man ❤

Aman jain
7 months ago

how to show the video of the respective card we are hovering , in your video the same trailer video is showing for each and every card , anyone ?

7 months ago

Is it responsive

Sandip Rathod
7 months ago

what technologies you used please tell me before i start

Sandip Rathod
7 months ago

have you added payment gateway option here

Abhishek Thakur
7 months ago

You saved me

Rudra Verma
7 months ago

I am getting horizontal and vertical scroll bar in my home route after inserting background image with same CSS properties as yours'