Building a Next.js 13 (App Router) Storefront with GraphQL & TypeScript: Part 1

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Next.js 13 (App Router) Storefront with GraphQL & TypeScript (Part 1)

Next.js 13 (App Router) Storefront with GraphQL & TypeScript (Part 1)

Next.js 13 is the latest version of the popular React framework for building web applications. In this article, we will be taking a look at how to create a storefront using the new App Router feature along with GraphQL and TypeScript.

What is Next.js 13?

Next.js 13 introduces several new features, including the App Router, which allows for better performance and improved user experience. The App Router enables developers to create dynamic routes and prefetch data, making it easier to build complex, dynamic web applications.

Using GraphQL and TypeScript

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows developers to request only the data they need. Combined with TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript, developers can create more reliable and maintainable code.

Building a Storefront

In this article series, we will be building a storefront using Next.js 13, GraphQL, and TypeScript. We will start by setting up the project and configuring the App Router to create dynamic routes for our storefront. We will then integrate GraphQL to fetch data from our backend and display it on the storefront. Finally, we will use TypeScript to create type-safe components and ensure a more robust codebase.


Next.js 13, along with GraphQL and TypeScript, provides a powerful toolset for building modern web applications. In Part 2 of this series, we will dive into the technical details of setting up the project and implementing the App Router. Stay tuned for more in-depth tutorials on building a Next.js 13 storefront with GraphQL and TypeScript.

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7 months ago

I was in search of a solution for the App Router, and it appears that this could be beneficial. Thank you for your assistance. Additionally, I'm curious about the AI technology you are utilizing.

7 months ago

I wish I could give more than one thumbs up! Great stuff. And I actually really value the minor digressions here and there because I learn a little extra along the way. Much appreciated, keep it up!

7 months ago

amazing content!!

7 months ago

Hello there! I'm new to Saleor and I'm really enjoying these videos. Thank you so much for creating them and please continue to keep up the great work!

7 months ago

Great content. I will definetely check the whole video later.

7 months ago

Nice zaiste, miss you

7 months ago

Yeah, Shadcn UI is awsome!

7 months ago

We do not "like" what you do: We absolutely love it 😍 Keep up the good work guys!

Would love to get a better understanding on how to handle GraphQL without a client like eg. Apollo.

Something like mutations and lazy queries (eg. like load more functionality) would be great.

Thanks again for the awesome video!

7 months ago

Maybe you can add something more interesting than raw fetch for Graphql calls?

7 months ago

Hey! Zaiste is back! Great to see/hear you again!